
डॉ. प्रसाद आर.

वरिष्ठ अनुसंधान सदस्य, तटीय प्रक्रियाएं (सीओपी)

ईमेल: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

दूरभाष (द): 0471-2511716

फैक्स: 0471-2442280


Ph.D. : Physical Oceanography, NCESS-Trivandrum @ Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala.
Thesis : Sediment dynamics, heavy depletion and morphological changes of a placer mining beach of SW coast of India.
M.Tech. : Ocean Technology from Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala.
M.Sc. : Physics from University of Calicut, Kerala.

पेशेवर कैरियर:

2010 - Present Senior Research Fellow, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.

अनुसंधान रुचि:

Sediment dynamics, Coastal hydrodynamics, Beach-innershelf morphology


  1. Prasad, R., Sheela Nair, L., Kurian, N.P. and Prakash, T.N., 2016. Erosion and heavy mineral depletion of a placer mining beach along the southwest coast of India: Part I– Nearshore sediment transport regime. Natural Hazards 83, 769–796, doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2368-z.
  2. Prakash, T.N., Varghese, T.I., Prasad, R., Sheela Nair, L. and Kurian, N.P., 2016. Erosion and heavy mineral depletion of a placer mining beach along the southwest coast of India: Part II– Sedimentological and mineralogical changes. Natural Hazards 83, 797–822, doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2350-9.
  3. Prasad, R., Sheela Nair, L., Kurian, N.P., Prakash, T.N. and Varghese, T.I., 2016. Erosion and heavy mineral depletion of a placer mining beach along the southwest coast of India: Part III– Short and long term morphological changes. Natural Hazards 83, 823–847, doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2346-5.
  4. Anoop, T.R., Sheela Nair, L., Prasad, R., Reji, S., Ramachandran, K.K., Prakash, T.N. and Balakrishnan Nair, T.M., 2017. Locally and remotely generated wind waves in the South Western Shelf Sea of India. Journal of Oceanography (Communicated, Under Review).