SAM 6229

डॉ. श्रीलाष के.

वैज्ञानिक बी,जल विज्ञान प्रक्रियाएं (एचईपी)

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  1. K. Sreelash, Samuel Buis, Muddu Sekhar, Laurent Ruiz Sat Kumar Tomer and Martine Guerif. (2017). Estimation of available water capacity components of two-layered soils using crop model inversion: Effect of crop type and water regime. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 546, pp. 166-178
  2. Tomer, S. K., Al Bitar, A., Sekhar, M., Corgne, S., Bandyopadhyay, S., K. Sreelash, Sharma, A. K., Zribi, M. and Kerr, Y. (2015). Retrieval and multi-scale validation of soil moisture from multi-temporal SAR data in a semi-arid tropical region. Remote Sens. 7, 8128-8153.
  3. K. Sreelash, M. Sekhar, L. Ruiz. S. Buis and S. Bandyopadhyay. (2013). Agro-hydrological modelling in a semi-arid watershed combining field measurements and remote sensing. Journal of Indian Institute of Science, 93(2), pp. 189-207.
  4. K. Sreelash, M. Sekhar, L. Ruiz, Sat Kumar, M. Guerif, S. Buis, P. Durand and C. Gascuel-Odoux. (2012). Parameter estimation of a two-horizon soil profile by combining crop canopy and surface soil moisture observations using GLUE. Journal of Hydrology, 456-457, pp. 57-67.
  5. K Sreelash and B V Mudgal, 2010, Drag Characteristics of Cylindrical Piers with Slots and/or Collars in Subcritical Flow, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 16(2), pp. 75-87.

अनुसंधान रिपोर्ट/सम्मेलन की कार्यवाही/प्रस्तुतियां:

  1. K Sreelash K, Rajat Kumar Sharma Gayathri J A, and Vipin T Raj. Effect of changes in the land surface and precipitation on the hydrology of small catchment rivers of southern Western Ghats, India. Conference Proceedings of 7th International Ground Water Conference (IGWC – 2017), New Delhi during 10 to 13th December 2017.
  2. K Sreelash, Rajat Kumar Sharma and Padmalal Damodharan. Tracing the natural and anthropogenic stressors on Hydrological Characteristics of river basins: A case study of rivers draining the southern Western Ghats, India. International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, 18-21 April, 2017, New Delhi.
  3. K. Sreelash, S. Buis, M. Guerif, M. Sekhar, and L Ruiz. Quantifying the uncertainties in the estimation of multilayered soil hydraulic properties at a catchment scale. TERENO International Conference, From observation to Prediction in terrestrial systems, 29 sep to 2nd Oct 2014, Lepzig, Germany.
  4. S. Buis, K. Sreelash, M. Guerif M. Sekhar, L. Ruiz, Sat Kumar, Amit Sharma, F., Ruget. Estimation of multilayered soil properties by inversion of a crop model using surface soil moisture and LAI: evaluation on experimental datasets. 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences. Madrid, Spain, 2-6 September 2013.
  5. K. Sreelash, M. Sekhar, L. Ruiz, Sat Kumar, S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Buis, M. Guerif, P. Durand, C. Gascuel-Odoux. Estimation of multilayered soil properties using agro-hydrological models and microwave remote sensing. Second international conference on Hydropedology, Leipzig, Germany, (2012).
  6. K. Sreelash, M. Sekhar, L. Ruiz, Sat Kumar, S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Buis, M. Guerif, P. Durand, Chantal Gascuel-Odoux (2012). Quantifying Uncertainty in Estimation of Potential Recharge in Tropical and Temperate Catchments using a Crop Model and Microwave Remote Sensing. AGU fall meeting San Francisco 3 – 7 Dec. (2012).
  7. K. Sreelash, M. Sekhar, L. Ruiz, Sat Kumar, S. Bandyopadhyay, C. Gascuel-Odoux. Agro-hydrological models combined with microwave remote sensing data for improved management of groundwater irrigation. Fifth International Groundwater Conference, Aurangabad, India (2012).
  8. Sat Kumar Tomer, K. Sreelash,, Muddu Sekhar, Laurent Ruiz, and Chantal Gascuel-Odoux. Coupling agricultural and hydrological models for improved management of groundwater irrigation under climate change. Vol. 13, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2011.