Dr. G. Sreenivasulu
Research Associate, Coastal Processes Group (CoP)
Email : sreenivasulu.g@ncess.gov.in
Phone(Off) : 0471-2511660
Fax : 0471-2442280
Ph. D. | : | 2017, Geology, Micropaleontology & Remote Sensing, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, A.P., India. |
Thesis | : | Metal Pollution Monitoring with Bio-indicators from parts of Andhra Coast, Southeast Coast of India. |
M. Sc. | : | 2011, Geology & Geoinformatics, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, A.P., India. |
Professional career:
2017 (Dec) | - | Present | Research Associate, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Kerala. |
2015 | - | 2017 | DST- INSPIRE SRF, Department of Geology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, A.P., India. |
2012 | - | 2015 | DST- INSPIRE JRF, Department of Geology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, A.P., India. |
2011 | - | 2012 | Teaching Assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, A.P., India. |
Training Programs:
- Training Course: “Integrated data analysis for upwelling studies” during 12-16 November, 2017, University of Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), MALAYSIA.
- Coastal Summer School on “How to govern marine environment: Baltic Sea and sediment services as a case study” during 10-21 September, 2017, Helmholtz Centre, Geesthacht, GERMANY.
- IGCS Winter School on “Sustainable Water Management in Urban Areas” organized by Indo German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) during 3-15 March, 2015, IIT Madras, CHENNAI.
- Training Programme on “Ocean Colour Remote Sensing- Data, Processing and Applications” organized by International Training Centre for Operational oceanography (ITCOocean), ESSO, during November 10-14, 2014, INCOIS, HYDERABAD.
- Certificate Course in “Principles of Remote Sensing (RS) & Geographical Information System (GIS)” organized by Andhra Pradesh State Remote Sensing Application Centre (APSRAC), during 15th May, 2013 to 14th June, 2013 at HYDERABAD
- Short Term Course on “Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Earth Sciences” jointly organized by the Department of Geology and Department of Computer Science at Sri Venkateswara University, during March 23-26, 2013 at TIRUPATI.
- National Workshop on “Applications of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems” during 02-04 February, 2012, Organized by Department of Geography, Sri Venkateswara University, TIRUPATI.
Research Interest:
Micropaleontology (Foraminifera Ecology)
Coastal Morphodynamics.
Marine Pollution
Remote Sensing & GIS.
Honours/ Awards/Fellowships:
- Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) financial support to participate in the training course in Malaysia- 2017.
- DST- INSPIRE Fellowship-2012 received from Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India.
- Annamayya Prathibha Puraskar- 2012 received from ABVP.
- Y.S. Raja Reddy Memorial Gold Medal- 2011 for University Topper in M.Sc.
Membership in Professional Bodies
- Life Member of the Paleontological Society of India, Lucknow, India.
- Life Member of the Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, India.
- Member, The Paleoclimate Society, U.K.
- Member of The Oceanography Society (TOS), United States.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N.Jayaraju, B.C.Sundara Raja Reddy, B.Lakshmanna, M. Rajasekhar, K. Nirmala and T.Lakshmi Prasad (2018). Assessment of Heavy metal pollution from the sediments of Tupilipalem coast, Southeast coast of India. International Journal of Sediment Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsrc.2018.02.004.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, B.C. Sundara Raja Reddy, T. Lakshmi Prasad, (2018). Influence of coastal morphology on the distribution of heavy metals in the coastal waters of Tupilipalem coast, South east coast of India. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 10, 190-197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2018.04.003.
- B. Lakshmanna, N. Jayaraju, T.Lakshmi Prasad, G. Sreenivasulu, K. Nagalakshmi, M.PramodKumar, M. Madakka, (2018). Data on Molluscan Shells in parts of Nellore Coast, southeast coast of India. Data in Brief, 16, 705–712.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, B.C.Sundara Raja Reddy, T. Lakshmi Prasad, K. Nagalakshmi and B. Lakshmanna, (2017). Foraminiferal Research in coastal ecosystems of India during the past decade: A Review. GeoResJ, 13, 38-48.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, B.C. Sundara Raja Reddy, T. Lakshmi Prasad, B. Lakshmanna and K. Nagalakshmi, (2017). Coastal Morphodynamics of Tupilipalem Coast, Southeast Coast of India. Current Science, 112(4), 823-829.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, B.C.Sundara Raja Reddy, T. Lakshmi Prasad, K. Nagalakshmi and B. Lakshmanna, (2017). Analysis of organic matter in benthic foraminifera (Ammonia beccarii) shells by FT-IR spectroscopy: A study on Tupilipalem coast, Southeast coast of India. MethodsX, 4. 55-62.
- K.Nagalaksmi, M. Pramod Kumar,N. Jayaraju, T. Lakshmi Prasad, B. Lakshmanna, G. Sreenivasulu, (2017). Dynamics of Pulicat Lake mouth analysis using geospatial data, east coast of India: Implications to socio-economic scenarios. Data in Brief, 15, 142–147.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, B.C.Sundara Raja Reddy, T. Lakshmi Prasad, B. Lakshmanna and K. Nagalaskhmi, (2016). River mouth Dynamics of Swarnamukhi River Estuary, Nellore Coast, Southeast Coast of India. Geodesy and Geodynamics. 7(6), 387- 395.
- B. C. Sundara Raja Reddy, N. Jayaraju, G. Sreenivasulu, U. Suresh and A.N. Reddy, (2016). Heavy Metal Pollution Monitoring with Foraminifera in the estuaries of Nellore coast, East coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 113, 542–551.
- V. Sunitha and G. Sreenivasulu, (2015). Fluoride contamination of groundwater and its impacts on human health in and around Vemula, Vempalli Mandals, YSR District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, 3(7), 282-291.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, B.C.Sundara Raja Reddy and T. Lakshmi Prasad, (2015). Physico-chemical parameters of Tupilipalem coast, Southeast coast of India. Journal of Coastal Sciences, 2(2), 34-39.
- B.C. Sundara Raja Reddy, N. Jayaraju, K.R. Reddy, G.Sreenivasulu and A.N. Reddy, (2015). Sedimentary Core Analysis: Implications on the Evolution of Pulicat Lake, East Coast of India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 86, 191-194.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, T. Lakshmi Prasad, (2015). Land Use and Land Cover analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case study in and around Rajampet, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 170-175.
- T. Lakshmi Prasad and G. Sreenivasulu, (2014). Land Use/ Land Cover Analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS, A case study on Pulivendula Taluk, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 4(6), 1-5
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, K. Nagalakshmi, T. Lakshmi Prasad, (2014). Geospatial Analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS; A case study in and around Rayachoty, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Current Research (IJCR), 6(5), 6936-6941.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, T. Lakshmi Prasad, (2014). Land Use and Land Cover change detection study at Pennar River Estuary, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh, South-East Coast of India. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (JoGE), 1(1), 1-9.
- G. Sreenivasulu, N. Jayaraju, M. Pramod Kumar, T. Lakshmi Prasad, (2013). An Analysis on Land Use/ Land Cover using Remote Sensing and GIS- A case study in and around Vempalli, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 3(5), 1-4.