Dr. A. Krishnakumar
Scientist E, Environmental Hydrology Group (EHG)
Email : krishnakumar[dot]a[at]ncess[dot]gov[dot]in
Phone(Off) : 0471-2511620
Phone(Res) : 0470-2603210
Fax : 0471-2442280
In Peer Reviewed Journals:
- A. Krishnakumar, D. Padmalal and V. Sobha “Is Environmental Degradation is the root cause of incidences of various communicable diseases in Kerala – A case Analysis of Thiruvananthapuram district.” Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, vol. 47, 2005. No.2, p. 91-102.
- A. Krishnakumar, V. Sobha and D. Padmalal “Status of Nutrients and Heavy metals in the recently deposited sediments of Vellayani freshwater lake, Kerala” –International Journal of Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 11(2):2005; pp.235-240.
- A. Krishnakumar, B. Baijulal, P. Unnikrishnan and R. S. Baiju “Qualitative hydrogeochemical evaluation of two aquatic bodies of Kerala, India with special reference to Environmental management”. International Journal for Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 11(3-4), 2005; pp. 521-526.
- A. Krishnakumar, V. Sobha and D. Padmalal, R.S. Baiju and B. Baijulal “Hydrogeochemical characterization and socio-environmental implications of Vellayani freshwater lake, Southern Kerala, India”. Journal of Eco-Chronicle, Vol. 1, No.1, 2006, pp. 35-46.
- R. S. Baiju, V. Sobha, D. Padmalal, B. Baijulal, A. Krishnakumar and V. Njanaprakash “Environmental setting and hydrochemical characteristics of two tropical reservoirs of South India with special reference to potability”. Journal of Eco-Chronicle, Vol. 1, No.4, 2006, pp. 171-180.
- A. Krishnakumar “Degradation and regeneration of Environment with special reference to resource extraction activities in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala”. Journal of APT Tunes, 2007.
- A. Krishnakumar, Revathy Das and Saranya Puthalath (2017) Assessment of the quality of water resources in coastal urban lands of two small catchment rivers, Southwest India - International Journal of Management of Environmental Quality, Emerald, UK, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2017 pp.444-459.
- A. Krishnakumar “River pollution due to heavy metal accumulation -a study of Karamana river flowing through the capital of Kerala state”. Journal of DEK Researcher (In Press), 2014
- A. Krishnakumar, Saranya P. Geethu Prasad P and Rakhi C “Holocene Records of human driven geological impacts in a Ramsar wetland of India” Journal of Aquatic Procedia, Elsevier, Vol. (4)2015. pp. 373-380
- A. Krishnakumar, Saranya P and Revathy Das (2017) Hydrogeochemistry and environmental issues of the wetlands of Kerala, Southwestern India – Wetland Science, Springer, pp. 145-161.
- Ragi M S, A.Krishnakumar, Upendra B, Liji TM, Anoop Krishnan K and Padmalal D “Geochemistry of heavy metals and CHNS composition in the sediments of Netravathi River Basin: Insights into the Pollution Aspects". Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, Vol. 34, Nos. 1&2, 2017, pp. 121-125.
- A. Krishnakumar, Revathy Das and Dhanya T Dharan “Land cover change analysis with special reference to forests and paddy wetlands of Neyyar and Karamana River basins, Kerala, SW India using GIS and Remote sensing” – International Journal for Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 7 (11), 2017, pp.190-197
- A. Krishnakumar, Anoop Krishnan K and Dhanya T Dharan “River Pollution Studies in the capital city of Kerala: Emerging concerns” – Journal of ACT, Vol. 3(2), 2017, pp.38-52
- Prijilal KG, Revathy Das, A. Krishnakumar and Dhanya T Dharan "Geospatial study of Sasthamcotta Ramsar wetland, Kerala, Southwest India, Journal of Ecochronicle, Vol.12(1), 2017, pp.13-16
- Revathy Das, A. Krishnakumar, Prijilal KG and Dhanya T Dharan "Water quality and drinking water potential of Vellayani and Pookode lakes of Kerala, India, Journal of Ecochronicle, Vol. 12(2), 2017, pp.39-41
- Revathy D and A. Krishnakumar "Evaluation of phytoplankton diversity and environmental implications of two lacustrine wetlands located in the midland and lowland critical zones of Kerala, India, Journal of Environmental and Social sciences, Vol. 5, 1, 2018, pp. 01-03.
- Saranya P, A. Krishnakumar, Sudhirkumar and K. Anoop Krishnan “Isotopic studies on the effect of reservoirs and droughts in water cycle dyanmics in the tropical Periyar river basin draining the slopes of Western Ghats”. Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, (2019)
- Asok K Srivasthava, Neelam Khandwal, A. Krishnakumar and Anoop Krishnan, K “Clay minerals from the Lameta formations of Pandhari area, districts Amaravati, Maharashtra and Betul, Madhyapradesh: Its palaeoclimatological implications”. Journal of Earth System Sciences, Springer, (2020)129- 37.
- Sandhya Sudhakaran, Harsha Mahadevan, Vijayan Arun, A. Krishnakumar, Krishnan Anoop Krishnan “ A multivariate statistical approach in assessing the quality of potable and irrigation water environs of the Netravati River basin (India)”. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Elsevier, 2020, Vol.11,100462
- S. Gayathri, K. Anoop Krishnan, A. Krishnakumar, T. M. Vishnu Maya, Vinu V. Dev, Sibin Antony V, Arun “Monitoring of heavy metal contamination in Netravati River basin: Over view of pollution indices and risk assessment", Sustainable Water Resources Management, Springer (2021) 7:20 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40899-021-00502-2.
- A. Krishnakumar, Aditya SK and N. Kannan” Geochemistry and environmental implications of recent sediments from a tropical urban small catchment river of Southern Western Ghats, India” Journal of Geoscience Research (JGSR), Gondwana Geological Society, 2021, Vol.6, No.1, 2021
- Uma Mohan and A. Krishnakumar “Geospatial distribution of groundwater quality using entropy water quality index and statistical assessment: A study from a tropical climate river basin” Journal of Environmental Quality Management, Wiley, 2021, ISSN:1520-6483, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1002/tqem.21840
- S. Gayathri, Vinu V. Dev, R. Shiny Raj, A. Krishnakumar, T.M. Vishnu Maya, K. Anoop Krishnan “Spatiotemporal evaluation of hydrochemical facies and pesticide residues in the cardamom plantations of Southern Western Ghats, India”, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, Elsevier, Vol 16,2021, 100599,2021, ISSN22151532, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enmm.2021.100599
- P. Saranya, A. Krishnakumar, Nitesh Sinha, Sudhir Kumar, K. Anoop Krishnan “Isotopic signatures of moisture recycling and evaporation processes along the Western Ghats orography”, Atmospheric Research, Elsevier, Vol.264, 2021, ISSN01698095, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105863
- Revathy Das and A.Krishnakumar “Implications of Methane Emissions in Biogeochemical Budgeting: A Study from a Tropical Wetland System, Kerala, India”, Environmental Engineering Science, MaryAnn Liebert, Inc. USA, vol 39,23-34,2021, ISSN. 1557-9018, http://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2021.0121.
- Revathy Das, A. Krishnakumar, M. Ratheesh Kumar, Dhanya Thulseedharan “Water quality assessment of three tropical freshwater lakes of Kerala, SW India, with special reference to drinking water potential”, Environmental Nanotechnology Monitoring & Management, Elsevier, Volume16,100588,2021, ISSN22151532, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enmm.2021.100588.
- A. Krishnakumar and Revathy Das “Nature of Substratum Sediment Grains and Carbon Accumulation Studies of Ashtamudi Ramsar Wetland, Southwest of India in Context of Ecological Health”, Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, University of Kerala, 9, 2021, | pp. 117-123 ISSN 2321–340X.
- A. Krishnakumar, Revathy Das, Aditya S.K and K. Anoop Krishnan “Enrichment of potential toxic elements and environmental health implications: a study of the tropical agricultural soils in southern Western Ghats, INDIA”. Environmental Quality Management, Wiley. ISSN:1520-6483, 1–10, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/tqem.21792.
- Uma Mohan and A. Krishnakumar “Assessment of Water Quality of Kallada River, Southern Western Ghats, India,” Journal of Geoscience Research (JGSR), Gondwana Geological Society, 2021, Vol.6, No.2, 2021, pp.220-230
- A. Krishnakumar, Jeenu Jose, Kaliraj S, Aditya S.K and K. Anoop Krishnan” Assessment of the impact of flood on groundwater hydrochemistry and its suitability for drinking and irrigation in the River Periyar Lower Basin, INDIA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer Nature. ISSN:1520-6483, 2022,1–40. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-17596-y.
- Uma Mohan and A. Krishnakumar “Geochemical aspects and contamination evaluation of major, minor and trace elements in the sediments of Kallada River Basin, SW India”, Journal of Environmental Sciences and Health, Taylor and Francis publishers 2022, pp 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2022.2053450
- Uma Mohan and A. Krishnakumar “Geochemistry pollution status and contamination assessment of potentially toxic metals from the sediments of a tropical river of Kerala, India”, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 18, 2022, 100692. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enmm.2022.100692
- Reghunadh K., Joji V.S., Sibin Antony, A. Krishnakumar and Anoop Krishnan K “The EIA of Hard Rock Quarrying on Ecosystem Services – A Case Study in Achenkovil River Basin, Western Ghats Region, South India”, Journal of Indian Water Works Association, Vol. LIV (3), 2022, ISSN: 0970-275X, pp. 184-193
Books Authored:
- Divya J, Anjali Varghese and Krishnakumar A. Soil Geochemistry of Periyar River Basin. Bhumi Publishing, Maharashtra (ISBN:978-81-953600-7-9) https://www.bhumipublishing.com/books/2021
In Edited Books:
- A. Krishnakumar, D. Padmalal and V. Sobha “Hydrogeochemistry of Vellayani lake with special reference to its drinking water potential”- In: Conservation and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (Ed: K.S. Unni), Daya Publishers, 2002, New Delhi; pp. 44-61.
- A. Krishnakumar, V. Sobha and D. Padmalal “Urban solid waste generation and management with special reference to environmental degradation”. Ed: K. Sreekumar, Cochin University Union, Kochi and Centre of Subaltern Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 2005; pp.01-20.
- A. Krishnakumar, V. Sobha and D. Padmalal “Degradation and Regeneration of Environment with special reference to Resource Extraction Activities in Trivandrum District, Kerala”. Ed: K.S. Rao, Delhi, 2009; pp.55-62.
- A. Krishnakumar, S K Khanduri , S. Ajit and P. Sreekantan Nair “An Appraisal of the Environmental Status of Ernakulum District in Human Development Perspectives”. EMAK, Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 2009; pp. 25-31.
- Krishnakumar A Saranya P and Revathy Das “Hydrogeochemistry and environmental issues of the wetlands of Kerala, Southwestern India” – Wetland Science, Springer, 2017, pp. 145-161. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-81-322-3715-0_8
- Krishnakumar A, Aditya S. K, Kaliraj, S, Anoop Krishnan K and Jeenu Jose “Evaluation of Suspended Sediment Concentration and Heavy Metal Distribution in Ashtamudi Lake, A Ramsar site in South-West Coast of India using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques”- In: Rani, M., Seenipandi, K., Rehman, S., Kumar, P., Sajjad, H. (Eds.), Remote Sensing of Ocean and Coastal Environments. Elsevier,2020, pp. 251– 275. ISBN: 9780128196045. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819604-5.00015-9
- Uma Mohan and Krishnakumar A. Seasonal Variation of Groundwater Quality in the Kallada Basin, Southern Western Ghats of India. Springer Nature, Switzerland, C. B. Pande, K. N. Moharir (eds.), Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68124-1_17, pp.335-352
- Resmi R, Krishnakumar A and Anoop Krishnan K. GIS based Water Quality Assessment of Chalakudy River Basin, Southern Western Ghats, India (In: C. B. Pande, K. N. Moharir (eds.), Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2021, pp. 353-368, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68124-1_17
- S. Gayatri, Krishnakumar A, K. Devi Chandana, Sibin Antony, Vinu V Dev, Arun and K. Anoop Krishnan. Multivariate statistical tools in assessing the quality of water resources in Netravathi River Basin, Karnataka, India. (In: C. B. Pande, K. N. Moharir (eds.), Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region, Springer Nature, Switzerland,2021, pp. 315-334. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68124-1_17
- Krishnakumar A, Aditya S.K, K. Anoop Krishnan and Prijilal K G. Geochemistry and health status of soils in the agroforestry dominated HRML regions of Idukki, Southern Western Ghats, India (Chapter 14 – Apple Academic Press, CRC, 2022, Taylor & Francis publishers).
- Uma Mohan and A Krishnakumar. Seasonal variation in the Geochemical and Textural characterisation of Soils of Kallada River Basin, Southern Western Ghats, India (NPA Publishers, 2022, New Delhi).
- Krishnakumar A, Aditya S.K, K. Anoop Krishnan, Revathy Das and Anju K. Water Quality Management: Development of a Fuzzy based Index in Hydro Informatics platform (Chapter 19- Water Resource Modeling and Computational Technologies, Elsevier publishers, 2022).
Popular Articles:
- Krishnakumar A. Energy sustainability of Kerala and Educational & Research areas (Keralathinte urjjasusthirathayum vidyabhyasa – gaveshana meghalakalum), Paaristhithikam, 2015, pp.22-30.
- Krishnakumar A. Earth: A scientific appraisal (Geological Processes). Published in the Mathrubhumi Year Book Plus 2022, pp. 236-255
In Proceedings:
- A. Krishnakumar, V. Sobha and D. Padmalal “Hydrogeochemistry of the Vellayani lake Kerala, with special reference to its drinking water potential” National Conference on Inland water potential, pollution, Management and Conservation, 1999; Madhya Pradesh.
- A. Krishnakumar and V. Sobha “Sediment geochemistry and water quality assessments of two freshwater lakes of Kerala: Its implications in environmental conservation and management” Proceedings of the 14th Kerala Science Congress, Kochi, 2002.
- V. Sobha, N. B. Mithrambika and A. Krishnakumar “Sedimentation, sediment-water interaction: Its implications in water quality – A case study of Vellayani lake, Southern Kerala”, National symposium on Algae and Environment, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 2003.
- V. Sobha and A. Krishnakumar “Environmental degradation through mining and quarrying- A preliminary study of Neyyar river basin, Southern Kerala” Proceedings of the 15th Kerala Science Congress, 2003.
- V. Santhosh, K. Maya, D. Padmalal and A. Krishnakumar “Environmental Impact Assessment of Tile and Brick clay mining in the Chalakudy basin, Central Kerala” – National Seminar on Trends in Environmental Geochemistry, 2003 at Annamalai University, Tamilnadu
- A. Krishnakumar, V. Sobha V. Santhosh and D. Padmalal “Status of Nutrients and Heavy metals in the recently deposited sediments of Vellayani freshwater lake, Kerala” National Seminar on Environmental Geochemistry, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, 2003
- A. Krishnakumar “Textural and Heavy metal accumulation studies of Karamana river, South Kerala, India”- Proceedings of the National Seminar on Sediments and Sedimentary rocks: Resource potential, depositional processes, implication to ecosystem and environmental changes organized by the Department of Earth Sciences, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry, 2012.
- A. Krishnakumar “Spatio-Temporal changes of forests in Neyyar and Karamana basins, Thiruvananthapuram districts: A GIS based analysis”. Proceedings of the National seminar on Western Ghats – biogeography, biodiversity and conservation, Manjeri, 2013.
- A. Krishnakumar “Geochemical and Textural characterization of the sediments of Neyyar River, Kerala originating from the Western Ghats”. National Conference on Sedimentation and Tectonics with special reference to energy resources of North-East India organized by the Department of Earth Sciences, Manipur University, Imphal, 2013.
- A. Krishnakumar, Vinduja V. “Decadal changes of water quality in Vellayani lake, Kerala with special reference to climate change, National seminar on Spatial technologies for Watershed planning organized by Kerala State Land Use Board, Thiruvananthapuram, 2014
- Revathy Das, Krishnakumar A and Vinduja V. “Spatio-temporal land use changes in the Sasthamcotta wetland region: A GIS based study” Proceedings of the National Seminar on Lakes, Rivers and Wetland ecosystems, A climate change perspective, 2014.
- Geethu Prasad, P Krishnakumar A, Saranya P, Reji Srinivas and K. Anoop Krishnan “ Geochemical signatures of Anthropocene in the sediments of the Tropical Ashtamudi Wetland System, Kerala, SW Coast of India. National Conference on Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, Pune, 2014
- A. Krishnakumar “Response to climate change: Base line scenario and sustainable human development with special reference to Kerala initiatives. National seminar on Lakes, Rivers and Wetland ecosystems – A climate change perspective, Ponnani 2014.
- A. Krishnakumar, Saranya. P, Anoop Krishnan and Vinduja V. “Evaluation of seasonal fluctuation of water quality in Ashtamudi Wetland System, India” – Published in the Proceedings (ISBN:978-81-930193-0-6) of the National seminar on Recent and Emerging Advances in Chemical Sciences (REACS – 2015), Trivandrum
- Revathy Das and A. Krishnakumar “Recent hydrochemical characterization of two tropical Lacustrine Ecosystems of Kerala” - Published in the Proceedings (ISBN:978-81-930193-0-6) of the National seminar on REACS – 2015, Trivandrum
- A. Krishnakumar and K.G. Prijilal “Groundwater chemistry of Neyyar and Karamana basins, Kerala with special reference to salinity intrusion problems in the coastal urban environment” – Published in the Proceedings of the National Seminar Recent and Emerging Advances in Chemical Sciences (REACS – 2015), Trivandrum
- A. Krishnakumar , Saranya P and Revathy Das (2016) Studies on soil texture, soil erosion and land use practices in Neyyar and Karamana basins, Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala – Paper published in the proceedings of the National seminar on Emerging approaches in Land use planning, Kerala State Land Use Board, Trivandrum (13-14 Jan 2016), pp 104-109.
- Revathy Das and Krishnakumar A (2016) Fresh water resources of Kerala: Water quality and emerging land use concerns- - Paper published in the proceedings of the National seminar on Emerging approaches in Land use planning, Kerala State Land Use Board, Trivandrum (13-14 Jan 2016), pp. 195-199.
- Saranya P and Krishnakumar. A (2016) Hydrochemical flows of groundwater in Periyar river basin, Southern Western Ghats, India. Published in the proceedings (ISBN:978-81-930193-0-7) of the KSCSTE sponsored National Seminar on Photonics, Medicine and Environment (NSPME-2016), pp. 86-92
- Shiny Raj R, Saranya P, Pavithra V Prabhu, Krishnakumar A and K. Anoop Krishnan (2017). Assessment of types and characteristics of pesticides used in the cardamom plantations located in Periyar River Basin, Idukki, Kerala, India. Paper published in the Proceedings of the State Level Seminar on Medicinal Chemistry – Fundamentals and Applications, organized by Post Graduate and Research Department of Chemistry, Fatima Mata National College, Kollam in association with Academy of Chemistry Teachers,pp.17-21
- Revathy Das and Krishnakumar A. “A GIS based approach for the assessment of heavy metal concentration in the sediments of a tropical wetland system, Kerala, SW India” Proceedings of the National Seminar on Geospatial Information systems: Emerging trends and utilities, 2017, pp.44-49.
- Aditya SK, Pavithra V Prabhu, Krishnakumar A and Anoop Krishnan K. “Spatial distribution of heavy metals in the soils of Periyar upper catchments - a GIS based approach” Proceedings of the National Seminar on Geospatial Information systems: Emerging trends and utilities, 2017, pp.11-21.
- Sandhya S, Elezebeth VA, Harsha M, Sibin A, Vinu V D, Krishnakumar A and K. Anoop Krishnan “Fate and transport of nutrients in the paddy fields of Netravati river basin, India along with phosphate removal studies” Proceedings of the International conference on innovations and sustainable research in environment and life sciences, 2018, pp.43-45.
- Jeenu Jose, A Krishnakumar. “Assessment of selected metal enrichment in sediments of Ashtamudi estuary, Kerala, SW coast of India” National Seminar on the Environmental Status of Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems in India (ECEI- 2019), pp. 111-114.
- Revathy Das and Krishnakumar A. “Heavy metal contamination in the surface water samples of a tropical freshwater lake in Southern Kerala, India” International seminar on Recent research and developments in Material science (RRDMS – 2019) (ISBN: 978-81-930193-3-7), pp. 14-18
- Aditya S.K, A. Krishnakumar, Revathy Das. “A comparative study of methane flux in the limnetic zones of three lakes, Kerala, India” National Seminar on the Environmental Status of Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems in India (ECEI- 2019), pp. 27-30.
- Uma Mohan and Krishnakumar A. Surface water chemistry and its irrigation suitability: A study of Kallada and Pallikkal rivers, Southern Western Ghats – Proceedings of the International Seminar on ‘Recent Research and Developments in Material Science’ RRDMS – 2019, ISBN: 978-81-930193-3-7),pp. 18-25, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Gayatri Vastrad, Sandhya Sudhakaran, Helan Priya Pious, Jeenu Jose, V. Arun, A. Krishnakumar, K. Anoop Krishnan. “Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater quality in Netravati River basin, Karnataka, India” National Seminar on the Environmental Status of Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems in India (ECEI- 2019), pp. 65-67.
- Resmi R, Krishnakumar A and Uma Mohan. Groundwater quality assessment using WQI in Chalakudy river basin, Southern Western Ghats – Proceedings of the International Seminar on ‘Recent Research and Developments in Material Science’ RRDMS – 2019, ISBN: 978-81-930193-3-7), pp. 29-32, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Arun R and Krishnakumar. A. Variation in the geochemical nature of tropical sediments in the South Western Ghats: A study of Periyar River Basin, India – Proceedings of the International Seminar on ‘Recent Research and Developments in Material Science’ RRDMS – 2019, ISBN: 978-81-930193-3-7), pp. 35-40, Thiruvananthapuram.
Study Reports:
- A. Krishnakumar “Reflections on an integrated approach for environmental management through the Department of Environment, Govt. of Kerala”. Report submitted to Govt. of Kerala (2009).
- A. Krishnakumar “Soil quarrying at Uliyazhathura village, Thiruvananthapuram district”. Submitted to the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Govt. of Kerala (2011).
- A. Krishnakumar “Sand extraction from Mannurkkara village, Thiruvananthapuram district”. Submitted to the District Collector, Thiruvananthapuram (2012)
- A. Krishnakumar “Hard rock quarrying at Kinalur-Karinthalam Grama Panchayat”. Submitted to the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Govt. of Kerala (2012)
- A. Krishnakumar “Hard rock quarrying in Manickal Grama Panchayat, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala” -Submitted to the Manickal Grama Panchayat, Govt. of Kerala (2012)
- Monitoring Global change impacts in Sahyadri mountain ranges (C N Mohanan, A K Varma, B.K Jayaprasad, K Raju and A. Krishnakumar). Final report Plan 278, CESS (2012).
- A. Krishnakumar “Hard rock mining at Athani quarry, Wayanad district” – Submitted to the District Collector, Wayanad district (2013)
- A. Krishnakumar “Removal of sand and clay from Vilappil village, Thiruvananthapuram district”. Report submitted to the District Collector, Thiruvananthapuram (2013)
- The inventory of Wetlands of Kerala with 92 plates (Mohanan, C.N, Jayaprasad B.K, Krishnakumar A, Rajimol, T.R, Vijayakumaran Nair, P and Harikumar P.S). Report submitted to the Department of Environment and Climate change (2013)
- A. Krishnakumar “Environmental study report on paddy land reclamation in Kottakkal village, Malappuram” submitted to the District Collector, Malappuram and State Agricultural Production Commissioner. (2014)
- A. Krishnakumar “Environmental assessment report on the effects of hard rock quarrying on water supply tanks in Kareepra and Veliyam Grama Panchayats of Kollam district, Kerala” submitted to the Department of Environment, Govt. of Kerala. (2014)
- A. Krishnakumar “Extraction of alluvium from Tirur River at Purathur-Padinjarekkara, Malappuram district, Kerala” submitted to the District Collector, Malappuram, Govt. of Kerala (2014)
- A. Krishnakumar “Effects of hard rock quarrying on water treatment plant in Pulimath Grama Panchayat, Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala”. Submitted to the District Collector, Thiruvananthapuram (2014)
- A. Krishnakumar “Environmental and ecological impacts of hard rock quarrying at Ambalavayal village of Sulthan Bathery Taluk, Wayanad district” (2014)
- K. Anoop Krishnan, A. Krishnakumar and Liji TM. “Appraisal of drinking water potential of springs in Pathanamthitta, Kottayam and Idukki districts of Kerala. Project Plan (285) Report
- A. Krishnakumar “Study report pertaining to the Well construction at Sakthikulangara village, Kollam” (2016)
- A. Krishnakumar, K. Anoop Krishnan, Reji Srinivas and Tomson JK. “Environmental Studies of Kollam-Neendakara wetlands and associated inlands”. Submitted to the Port and Fisheries Department, Govt. of Kerala (2016)
- A. Krishnakumar – Project Report on the “Monitoring Global Environmental Change impacts in Sahyadri” submitted to Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (2019)
- G. Sankar, S. Prabhu, A.M. Harees, A. Krishnakumar and M.M. Vahab. Report of the Joint committee on the environmental impacts of rock quarrying as per the direction of NGT, South Zone, India (2021)