SAM 6229

Dr. K. Sreelash

Scientist D,Environmental Hydrology Group (EHG)

Email : k[dot]sreelash[at]ncess[dot]gov[dot]in

Phone(Off) : 0471-2511604

Fax : 0471-2442280


Ph. D. : 2014, Water Resources and Environmental Engg., Dept. of Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore.
ME : 2009, Hydrology and Water Resources Engg., Centre for Water Resources, College of Engg, Guindy, Chennai.
BE : 2005, Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.

Professional career:

2019(July) - Present Scientist C, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2016(Aug) - 2019(June) Scientist B, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2016(Feb) - 2016(Aug) Research Engineer @ INRA, Avignon, France.
2014(Feb) - 2016(Jan) Post-Doctoral Researcher @ INRA, Avignon, France.
2006(Sep) - 2007(Aug) Lecturer @ Amal Jyothi College of Engg. Kanjirappally, Kerala.
2005(July) - 2007(Sep) Lecturer @ Royal College of Engg. Thrissur, Kerala.


  1. Visiting Scientist at INRA, Avignon, France, for a period of three months to work and train on Critical Zone studies (Oct,2018 to Jan, 2019) – Funded by INRA, Avignon.
  2. Post-Doctoral Research grant from CNES, France (Feb 2014 to Jan 2016).
  3. Visiting research fellow at INRA, Rennes, France, (May 2012 to July 2012).
  4. Visiting research fellow at INRA, Avignon, France, (Feb 2013 to March 2013).
  5. Fellowship to pursue PhD in Indian Institute of Science from Ministry of Human Resources Development, India.
  6. Gold Medalist and First Rank in Master of Engineering (Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering) from Centre of Water Resources, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India for the year 2009.
  7. Recipient of Dr. Jayasekar Endowment award for the “Best Outgoing Student in Master of Engineering (Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering)” from College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India for the year 2009.
  8. Recipient of the Best paper award in the area of Environmental Science, Wildlife and Forestry of the 29th Kerala Science Congress, Thiruvalla, April, 2017.

Invited Lectures:

  1. Invited speaker in the International Workshop on The Joy, Opportunities and Challenges in Field Hydrological Research organized by NIE, Mysore and IIT-Guwahati during 2nd to 6th November, 2020.
  2. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Introduction to Hydrological modeling” at Dept. of Environmental Science, Kerala University, Trivandrum on 30th Jan, 2018.
  3. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Introduction to modeling and inverse modeling” at Dept. of Environmental Science, Kerala University, Trivandrum on 29th Jan, 2018.
  4. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Introduction to inverse modeling in hydrogeology” at Dept. of Geology, Anna University, Chennai on 10th Jan, 2018.


  1. Water Resources Modelling (MIKE HYDRO and MIKE FLOOD), 6-10th May, 2019 at NIT Calicut.
  2. Brainstorming meeting on Critical Zone Observatories, conducted by CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur during 28th and 29th May, 2019.
  3. Indo-French monsoon school on Remote Sensing held at IISc, Bangalore during 29th to 30th October, 2019.
  4. 5-day workshop on Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture and its Geophysical Applications at IIT Delhi during 12th to 16th February, 2018 (GIAN).
  5. 2-Day workshop on SWAT-MODFLOW at IIT Madras during 8th and 9th January, 2018.
  6. 1-Day iMOD ground water modeling workshop at NASC complex New Delhi on 14th December 2017.
  7. 6-day training on Techniques in Hyperspectral data analysis and Processing (29th May to 3rd June, 2017) at IIT BHU, Varanasi.
  8. 4-day MATLAB training on Data processing, Image processing and computer vision analysis during 26th to 29th Sep, 2016 at NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram.
  9. 3-day-training on Virtual laboratory environment (VLE) - a platform for coupling models (25/11/2011 to 27/11/2011) @ INRA, Toulouse, France.
  10. 3-day training on STICS crop model (01/04/2014 to 03/04/2014) @ INRA, Laon, France.
  11. 5-day-training on STICS crop model and RECORD Platform (a platform for coupling models) (13/10/2014 to 17/10/2014) @ NBSSLUP, Bangalore, India.
  12. 3-day training on writing scientific articles (09/03/2015 to 11/03/2015) @ INRA, Sophia Antipolis, France.
  13. 3-day training on ‘Introduction to R’ (15/12/2015 to 17/12/2015) @ INRA, Avignon, France.
  14. 3-day training on ‘Statistical treatment of data with R’ (12/01/2016 to 14/01/2016) @ INRA, Avignon, France.
  15. 3-day training on ‘Advanced R’ (21/06/2016 to 23/06/2016) @ INRA, Avignon, France.


  1. Critical zone characteristics of selected watersheds of Western Ghats, (2016, Ongoing) at NCESS.
  2. ATCHA, Accompanying The adaptation of irrigated agriculture to climate CHAnge. (2017 to 2020), ANR funded (L'Agence nationale de la recherche, France) in collaboration with IISc, Bangalore/IFCWS, Bangalore.
  3. RUEdesSOLS – Estimation of the soil Available Water Content by direct measurements and crop-model inversion, from the plot to the territory scales. (2015 to 2017), ANR (L'Agence nationale de la recherche), France.
  4. Spatial distribution of soil hydrological properties on a watershed of South India from remote sensing data and crop model inversion. (2014 to 2016). Funded by CNES (French Space Agency), France.
  5. AICHA, Adaptation of Irrigated Agriculture to Climate Change. Indo-French Project funded by CEFIPRA. (2013- 2016), IISc, Bangalore/INRA, France.
  6. Estimation of soil hydraulic properties in a catchment using agro-hydrological models and microwave remote sensing. Funded by ISRO-STC (2013 -2014), IISc, Bangalore.