
Mr. Rajat Kumar Sharma

Scientist-D, Environmental Hydrology Group (EHG)

Email : rk[dot]sharma[at]ncess[dot]gov[dot]in,
            rajat[dot]sharma[dot]mmm[at]gmail[dot]com, rajatsharma[at]iisc[dot]ac[dot]in

Phone(Off) : 0471-2511613

Phone(Mob): +91-9452649454, +91-8317028380

Fax : 0471-2442280


Ph.D. : Water Resources and Environmental Engg., Dept. of Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore. (Ongoing, 2018- onwards)
B.Tech. : 2013, Civil Engineering, Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur.

Professional career:

2023(Jan) - Present Scientist D, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2019(Jan) - 2022(Dec) Scientist C, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2016(Feb) - 2018(Dec) Scientist B, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2015 (June) - 2016 (Feb) Project Scientist B, National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), Noida, UP.
2013 (Aug) - 2015 (June) Trainee Scientist (CAT-ESSC), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, and Maharashtra.

Research Interests:

Surface water and groundwater modelling, Machine learning, Catchment Instrumentation, Hydro-geochemistry, Stable Isotopes, and Surface water-ground water interaction.


  1. Secured 4th Rank in State Merit List in the Intermediate Examination, Uttar Pradesh Board 2008.
  2. Awarded Certificate of Merit by Govt. of Uttar Pradesh 2008.
  3. ICTP-Italy Travel grant by MoES.
  4. Qualified GATE-2013, AIR-771 (Civil Engineering)

Membership in the Professional bodies:

  1. Life Member, Indian Association of Hydrologists, NIH, Roorkee.


  1. Rajat Kr Sharma, S B Goswami, Sarita tiwari and S C Kar 2015: Evaluation of Daily Rainfall-Runoff Simulations in Narmada River Basin: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 8(3):1123-1132.JULY 2015.
  2. Aradhana Yaduvanshi, Rajat Kr Sharma, Sarat C.Kar, Anand K. Sinha: Rainfall-runoff simulations of extreme monsoon rainfall events in a tropical river basin of India: Natural Hazards Nat Hazards (2018) 90: 843
  3. K. Sreelash, Rajat Kr Sharma, J.A. Gayathri, B. Upendra, K. Maya and D. Padmalal (Nov, 2018) Impact of rainfall variability on river hydrology: a case study of southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Geological Society of India 92 (5), 548-554
  4. K. Sreelash, M. M. Mathew, N. Nisha, P. Arulbalaji, A. G. Bindu, Rajat Kr Sharma (2020): Changes in the hydrological characteristics of Cauvery river draining the eastern side of southern Western Ghats, India, International Journal of River Basin Management, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2020.1719119
  5. Roy, A., Kumar, T. S., & Rajat Kr Sharma (2022). Structure estimation of 2D listric faults using quadratic Bezier curve for depth varying density distributions. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2021EA002061. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EA002061
  6. Rajat Kr Sharma, Kumar, S., Padmalal, D. & Roy, A. 2023 Streamflow prediction using machine learning models in selected rivers of Southern India. International Journal of River Basin Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/15715124.2023.2196635/
  7. Vipin T. Raj , J.A. Gayathri , Rajat Kr Sharma, B.L. Redkar , K. Sreelash , D. Padmalal and K. Sajan 2023 Tracing the Sources of River Waters Using Stable I H) in Two Mountainous Watersheds, Southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Geoscience Research, Vol. 8, No.2, July, 2023, pp. 89-99


  1. Project completion report on National Network Project on Assessment of Regional Hydrological Systems using Space Borne Gravity Observations” Work package: Assimilation of space-borne gravity observation into hydrologic Models. Submitted to DST. Project PI’s – Dr. S.C. Kar and Rajat Kumar Sharma
  2. Sharad Jain, Raghavendra Ashrit, Rajat Kr Sharma, Pradeep Mujumdar, and Ashok Das Preparation of recommendations report on Processes and Models for Urban Flood Management as follow-up action of Brainstorming Session on Urban Flood Management (held on 3rd February, 2023, at IISc Bengaluru) , submitted to Ministry of Earth Sciences on June 17, 2023.

External Projects:

  1. National Network Project on Assessment of Regional Hydrological Systems using Space Borne Gravity Observations: Work Package: Assimilation of space-borne gravity observation into hydrologic models. Agency – DST, Govt. of India (2019-2023 completed). PI- Dr. S C Kar, and Rajat Kumar Sharma.
  2. Estimation of soil water fluxes in the high-altitude mountainous watersheds in Kerala using in-situ observations and modelling Agency- Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Govt. of Kerala (2022-2025) PI – Dr. Sreelash K and Co-PI -Rajat Kr Sharma.

Conferences Attended & Paper Presented:

  1. K Sreelash and Rajat Kumar Sharma. Hydroclimatic trends in Periyar and Netravati river basins, South West India: Implications on sustainable river basin management. 26th Swadeshi Science Congress, 7 – 9 Nov, 2016, CMFRI, Kochi.
  2. K Sreelash, Rajat Kumar Sharma, Gayathri J A and Vipin T Raj. (2017). Effect of changes in the land surface and precipitation on the hydrology of small catchment rivers of southern Western Ghats, India. 7th International Groundwater Conference on Groundwater Vision-2030, 11-13 Dec, 2017, New Delhi.
  3. Anu Patil, Sreelash K, Varija K, Rajat Kumar Sharma: Integrated Surface- Subsurface Hydrological Modelling of a Humid Tropical River Basin: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Conference, 2019 at Singapore. Conference Paper
  4. Rajat Kr Sharma, Muddu Sekhar, Padmalal D (2022) Runoff generation processes in the humid tropical catchment of Southern Western Ghats 9th International Groundwater Conference Nov 02-04, 2022, at IIT Roorkee. Conference paper
  5. Tiwari, V. M.(1)*; Muppidi, Ravi Kumar; Muddu , Sekhar; Mondal, Nepal C ; Dimri, Ashok P; Panda, Dileep K; Syed, T Hasan; Singh; Chamoli, Ashutosh; Vijayan, Sithartha Muthu; Sharma, Rajat Kumar ; Prasad, P (2023) Rajendra Assessment of Hydrological Systems at Basin Scale using Space Borne Observations, IUGG 2023.
  6. Smital Fulzele, Rajat Kr Sharma & Sudhanshu Kumar: Streamflow simulation in a humid tropical catchement of Southern Western Ghats using Hybrid modelling approach 108, Indian Science Congress Association 03-07 January, 2023 at RTM Nagpur University (Accepted)
  7. Arka Roy, Rajat Kr Sharma, Dharmdash. A Novel Approach for Unveiling Moho Architecture from Observed Gravity Anomalies by Utilizing Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks. AGU 2023.
  8. Pratiksha Kumari, Rajat Kr Sharma, Sreelash K. Integrating machine learning and multi-sensor data for accurate soil moisture prediction: A case study from the mountainous catchment in Southern Western Ghats. AGU 2023.


  1. ICTP-IITM-COLA Targeted Training Activities (TTA): "Challenges in Monsoon Prediction" at International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste, Italy from 23 Jun 2014 to 4 Jul 2014.
  2. Brainstorming Workshop on 'Changing Global Water Cycle and Polar Sciences' organized by MoES at ESSO-NCAOR, Goa from 13-14 April 2016.'
  3. INDO-US Bilateral Workshop held at CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad on 'Assessments of Regional Hydrology Using Space-Borne Gravity Observations from 14-16 Nov 2016.'
  4. International Conference on Water Challenges in India at New Delhi from 8-9 Feb 2017.
  5. 3rd International Conference on Worlds Large Rivers on 'Status and Future of Worlds Large Rivers' organized by BOKU University Austria and NIH, Roorkee at New Delhi from 18-21 April 2017.
  6. Participated and presented NCESS Poster in the Scientific Exhibition organized by Ministry of Earth Sciences, at Parliamentary Complex, New Delhi from 26 July to 4 July 2017.
  7. Tier II training on "Groundwater Resource Management organized by CGWB 2nd July to 4th July, 2019 at Trivandrum, Kerala.
  8. Attended HYDROMET, INDIA Workshop from 13th July, 2020 to 17th July, 2020 organized by VARYSIAN Network, Cambridge England (Virtual).
  9. Participated in VAIBHAV-2020 Session (V13H4S3) on "Hydrological models & projections and space-based observations for decision making" on 18th Oct, 2020 organized by CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad (Virtual).
  10. International Workshop on "The Joy, Opportunities and Challenges in Field Hydrological Research" Organized by Department of Civil Engineering at National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, India and Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India from 2nd to 6th November 2020(Virtual).
  11. Attended 2-day Training on Hydrological Modelling using MIKE-SHE from 3rd Dec to 4th Dec, 2020 organized by DHI, India.
  12. Participated in Brainstorming Session on “Satellite Observations and Modelling for Hydrological Applications” on 9th February-2021 organized by CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad (Virtual).
  13. Attended Virtual Groundwater modelling workshop using MODFLOW from 14-18 June 2021 organized by NIH, Roorkee (Virtual).
  14. Attended two weeks online summer school on machine and deep learning for remote sensing applications from July 06-16, 2021, organized by IEEE, Bangalore, and NIT, Suratkal (Virtual).
  15. Attended 2nd annual workshop on Knowledge Guided Machine Learning from Aug 9-11, 2021, organized by University of Minnesota and USGS (Virtual).
  16. Attended workshop on "Climate Change adaptation: A spotlight on India" by IIT Delhi on Sept 23, 2021 (Virtual).
  17. Attended Virtual National Workshop on "cloud Computing and Hydro-Ecological Modelling for Himalayan Rivers" organized by IIT-Guwahati and CSIR-NBRI on Sept 24, 2021 (Virtual).
  18. Coordinated (from NCESS) and participated in workshop on "AI/ML in Earth Sciences" organized by Virtual Center on AI/ML/DL of MoES from 9th May – 10th May 2022 (Virtual).
  19. Attended "Brainstorming Session on Urban Flood Management" on 3 Feb, 2023 at IISc, Bangalore, jointly organized by MoES, and IISc, Bangalore. Participated as a member of discussion group on "Processes and models for urban flood management".
  20. Attended National Symposium on Convective Storms: Thunderstorms and Lightning Physics on 23 March 2023 organized by NCESS.