


Dr. Poornima Unnikrishnan

Research Associate, Marine Geoscience Group

Email :

Phone(Off) : 0471-2511712

Fax : 0471-2442280


Ph. D. : 2018, Water Resources Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
Thesis : Hydrologic Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using Singular Spectrum Analysis.
M Tech. : 2014, Water Resources Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
B Tech. : 2012, Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum, University of Kerala, India.

Professional career:

2019 (Nov) - Present Research Associate, National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS), Thiruvananthapuram.
2019 (Jul) - 2019 (Nov) Adhoc Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala.
2018 (Jul) - 2018 (Dec) Adhoc Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala

Research Interest:

Hydrologic time series modelling, Surface water and ground water modelling, Submarine Groundwater Discharge, Hydro informatics, Artificial Intelligence in Water Resources Systems, Statistical modelling, Watershed Hydrology.

Achievements and Awards:

  • Prof U.C Kothyari Best PhD thesis 2019 award presented by Indian Society for Hydraulics.
  • Secured a percentile score of 98.8 in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2012.
  • Secured 4th rank in B Tech, University of Kerala.

Publications/ Technical Report/ Other Articles:

  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V (2018) “Selection of window length in Singular Spectrum Analysis of a time series” Nonparametric Statistics, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 250, P. Bertail et al. (eds.), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319- 96941-1_21
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V (2020). Hybrid SSA-ARIMA-ANN Model for Forecasting Daily Rainfall. Water Resources Management 34, 3609 - 3623.
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V (2018) “Forecasting daily rainfall for one year in a single run using Singular Spectrum Analysis” Journal of Hydrology (561) 609-621; url: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.04.03211
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V. (2015). "Extraction of Nonlinear Rainfall Trends Using Singular Spectrum Analysis." Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20 (12).url:https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001237
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V (2018) “Data Driven Multi Time Step Ahead Daily Rainfall Forecasting Using Singular Spectrum Analysis based Data Pre-Processing” Journal of Hydroinformatics 20 (3) 645-667; DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2017.029
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V (2019) “Noise Identification and Elimination from Meteorologic Data using Singular Spectrum Analysis”, Fall Meeting 2019, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, United States of America.
  • Jothiprakash V and Unnikrishnan Poornima (2018), “Singular Spectrum Analysis in Hydrologic Time Series Modelling” International Conference on Changing Paradigms and Emerging Challenges in Statistical Sciences (IPECS-2018), Pondicherry, India.
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V (2017), “Daily Rainfall forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks: A case study” presented at the December 2017 Virtual Poster Showcase, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V(2017), “Trend Analysis of Daily and Monthly Rainfall Time Series using Mann Kendall Test” Presented at the May 2017 Virtual Poster Showcase, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.
  • Zeleňáková, M., Jothıprakash, V., Purcz, P., Unnikrishnan Poornima., Hlavatá, H., (2017)," Investigation of precipitation trends in eastern Slovakia using singular spectrum analysis", in: 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. Rhodes, Greece.
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V (2017) “Long Term Precipitation Pattern Identification and Derivation of Non-Linear Precipitation Trend in a Catchment using Singular Spectrum Analysis” EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.
  • Unnikrishnan Poornima and Jothiprakash V (2016) “On selection of window length in Singular Spectrum Analysis of a time series” 3rd conference of International Society of Non-Parametric Society (ISNPS), Avignon, France, 11-16 June 2016.

syam sunny

Syam Sunny

Research Scholar,  Hydrology group

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


MSc : Environmental Science and Disaster management, Mahatma Gandhi University.

Professional Career:

2019 - Present Project Assistant II, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.

Training programmes attended:

  • Attended a seminar on Scientific and rethinking on the recent mega flood of Kerala-2018.
  • Attended the state level wokshop on Environmental Impact Assessment, School of Environmental Sciences, MG University, Kottayam, Kerala.
  • Participated in the state level training cum workshop on wetland monitoring, School of Environmental Sciences, MG University, Kottayam, Kerala.
  • Attended the Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry-2017, School of Environmental Sciences, MG University, Kottayam.
  • Attended Indo-US workshop on Application of membranes in energy and water purification-2015, ACESSD, MG University, Kottayam.
  • Attended the International Conference on water: from pollution to purification-2016, School of Environmental Sciences, MG university, Kottayam.
  • Attended the Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry-2015, School of Environmental Sciences, MG University, Kottayam.
  • Attended the Nature awareness camp conducted by Chinnar wildlife sanctuary 2013, 2014.
  • Participated in the First aid training programme 2016.


  • Vandana, M., John, S. E., Maya, K., Sunny, S., & Padmalal, D. (2020). Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of hard rock quarrying in a tropical river basin—study from the SW India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(9), 1-18.
  • Vivek V. R., Sreelesh R., Syam Sunny, Silpa Mathew, K. Maya and D. Padmalal, Springs in the coastal lowlands Trivandrum block: Water discharge and hydro-geochemistry, INGWC 2020, 18-20 February 2020, CWRDM
  • Maya K, Vivek V. R., Silpa Mathew, Sreelesh R, Syam Sunny and Padmalal D. Geothermal characteristics and hydrochemistry of ground water around a thermal spring in Southern Western Ghats, India, 36 th International Geological Congress.



Nayana V Haridas

JRF,  Hydrology group

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Master of Science in Applied Geology : Pondicherry University, Pondicherry


  • KVPY Fellow 2012 (SB 1212029)
  • Qualified GATE 2020 in Geology and Geophysics
  • Qualified Joint CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test-Lectureship-December 2017 in Earth Sciences All India Rank-48
  • Ministry of Earth sciences Research fellowship awardee 2019


  • Summer internship on “Parameters for Evaluating Calibration of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) Analysis for Rare Earth Elements” under the guidance of Dr. P V Sunder Raju, Principal Scientist at CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad.
  • Summer internship on “A study on spinel corona texture in corundum bearing amphibolite from Paramathi, Tamilnadu under the guidance of Dr. Sajeev Krishnan, Associate Professor at IISc, Bangalore

Participation in International/National Webinars:

  • Attended a webinar talk on “Paleoclimate reconstruction using stable isotopes in natural archives” on 7th September 2020 organized by Association of Quaternary Researchers.
  • Participated in 2 days international webinar on “Geological outreach and Career development” conducted on 13th and 14th August 2020 organized by Department of Geology and Environmental science, Christ college, Irinjalakuda.
  • Attended a webinar on “Academic and scientific writing catapulting institutional visibility” held on 3rd August 2020 organized by Central Library, Manipur university in collaboration with Springer Nature.
  • Attended a webinar series on the topic “Radiocarbon dating using AMS” organized by Geochronology group at IUAC on 11th and 13th May 2020.





Sreelesh R

Research Scholar,  Biogeochemistry Group

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone(Off) : 0471- 2511646

Fax : 0471-2442280


M.Sc : Hydrochemistry, CUSAT.
B.Sc : Chemistry, Kannur University.

Workshop and Seminars:

  • Oral paper presentation on the topic “Study on the thermal and cold-water springs in the Western Ghats- A case study from India” on International Ground water conference, 2020.
  • Oral paper presentation on the topic “Tracing source contributions of major ions in river waters an example from Southern Kerala” on Indian analytical science congress 2019 organized by Indian Analytical Scientists Kerala chapter.
  • Presented a poster on a National Seminar on Aquatic Chemistry AQUASEM’19 School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT, cochin, India.
  • Participated in the National Conference on Integrating Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in a Changing Oceanic Environment held at KUFOS-INCOIS CENTRE Kochi, India.
  • Participated in the seminar on GC-MS, LC-MS and NMR Spectroscopy held at St. Teresa’s College, Kochi, conducted by Indian Society of Analytical Scientists, Kerala Chapter, 2017.
  • Participated in the National Workshop on Emerging Trends in Chromatography and Hyphenated held at the School of Marine Science, CUSAT, conducted by Indian Society of Analytical Scientists, Kerala Chapter, 2016.

Membership in Professional Bodies:

  • Association of Science of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) (student membership)
  • International Association of Geochemistry (student membership)

In Proceedings of Conferences:

  • Sreelesh R, Presenjit Das, Vivek V. R., Silpa Mathew ,K Maya and D Padmalal, Study on the Thermal and cold water Springs of Dakshina Kannada district, Southern Western Ghats, India. INGWC 2020, 18-20 February 2020, CWRDM.
  • Vivek V. R., Sreelesh R., Syam Sunny, Silpa Mathew, K. Maya and D. Padmalal, Springs in the coastal lowlands Trivandrum block: Water discharge and hydro-geochemistry, INGWC 2020, 18-20 February 2020, CWRDM.
  • Maya K, Vivek V. R., Sreelesh R, Silpa Mathew, , Syam Sunny and Padmalal D. Geothermal characteristics and hydrochemistry of ground water around a thermal spring in Southern Western Ghats, India, 36 th International Geological Congress.




Shibu Sasi

Scientific Assistant Gr. A,  Marine Science Group (MSG)

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone(Off) : 0471-2511668

Phone(Res) :

Fax : 0471-2442280


MS : 2016, Physics, Department of Physics, IISER Bhopal.
BS : Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research , Bhopal

Professional Career:

2018 - Present Scientific Assistant Gr. A, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.

Honours & Awards:

  • CSIR NET Physics 2014.
  • DST-INSPIRE Fellow