



Dr N.P.Kurian Ph. D.


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Phone(Off) : +91-(0)471 2511501

Phone(Res) : +91-(0)471 2593800

Papers in International Journals:

  1. M.P.M.Reddy, V.Hariharan and N.P.Kurian.  1979, Seasonal variations of hydrographic conditions of estuarine and oceanic waters adjoining the old Mangalore Port.  Pageoph, Vol.117, , pp.935 – 942.
  2. N.P.Kurian, M.Baba and T.S.Shahul Hemeed.  1985,Prediction of nearshore wave heights using a wave refraction programme.  Coastal Engineering Vo.9(4), pp.347-356.
  3. N.P.Kurian and M.Baba.  1987,Wave attenuation due to bottom friction across the southwest Indian continental shelf.  Journal of Coastal Research, 3(4), pp.485-490.
  4. Joseph Mathew, Mytheenkhan Baba and N.P.Kurian, 1995.  Mudbanks of the southwest coast of India. I: Wave characteristics.  Journal of Coastal Research, 11(1), pp.168 – 178.
  5. N.P.Kurian, T.N.Prakash, F.Jose and K.P.Black, 2001. Hydrodynamic processes and heavy mineral deposits of the south west coast, India, Journal of Coastal Research, 154-163.
  6. N.P.Kurian, T.N.Prakash, M.Baba and N.Nirupama, 2006. Observations of Tsunami impact on the coast of Kerala, India. 2006, Marine Geodesy, 29: 135-145..
  7. N.P.Kurian, M.Baba, K.Rajith, N.Nirupama and T.S.Murty, 2006. Analysis of the tsunami of December 26, 2004, on the Kerala coast of India- part I: Amplitudes, Marine Geodesy, 29: 265-270.
  8. M.Baba, N.P.Kurian, B.T.Murali Krishnan, N.Nirupama and T.S,.Murty, 2006. Analysis of the tsunami of December 26, 2004, on the Kerala coast of Indian-Part II: Arrival times, Marine Geodesy, 29: 271-176.
  9. N.P.Kurian, K.Rajith, B.T.Muralikrishnan, N.Nirupama and T.S.Murty, 2006. Analysis of the tsunami of December 26, 2004, on the Kerala coast of Indian-Part III: Inundation and initial withdrawal, Marine Geodesy, 29: 277- 281.
  10. T.N.Prakash, K.P.Black, J.Mathew, N.P.Kurian K.V.Thomas, T.S.Shahul Hameed, M.V.Vinod and K.Rajith, 2007.  Nearshore and beach sedimentary dynamics in a placer dominated coast, southwest India, Journal of Coastal Research, 1391-1390
  11. T.S.Shahul Hameed, N.P.Kurian, K.V.Thomas, K. Rajith and T.N.Prakash, 2007.  Wave and current regime off the southwest coast of India, Journal of Coastal Research, 23(5), 1167-1174.
  12. T.S.Murty, N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 2008. Roles of reflection, energy trapping and secondary undulations in the tsunami on Kerala coast, International Journal of Ecology & Development, Vol.10; No.S08;Int.J.Ecol.Dev.; 100-114.
  13. K.Rajith, N.P.Kurian, K.V.Thomas, T.N.Prakash and T.S.S.Hameed, 2008. Erosion and accretion of a placer mining beach of SW Indian coast, 2008, Marine Geodesy, 31: 128-142
  14. P.Black, N.P.Kurian, J.Mathew and M.Baba, 2008. Open coast monsoonal beach dynamics, 2008, Journal of Coastal Research, 1-12.
  15. N.P.Kurian, K.Rajith, T.S.Shahul Hameed, L.Sheela Nair and M.V.Ramana Murthy, 2009. Wind waves and sediment transport regime off the south- central Kerala coast, India, Natural Hazards, 49:325-345
  16. N.P.Kurian, N.Nirupama, M.Baba and K.V.Thomas, 2009. Coastal flooding due to synoptic scale, meso-scale and remote forcings, 2009, Natural Hazards, 48: 259-273
  17. S.Arjun, L.Sheela Nair, V.R.Shamji and N.P.Kurian,2009. Spatio-temporal distribution of tidal constituents in the shallow waters of the southwest coast of India, Marine Geodesy Special issue on Tides, Marine Geodesy, 33: 2, 206 – 217
  18. S.S.Praveen, A.K.Rasmi, P.Dhanya, S.Arjun, Kalarani, N.P.Kurian, M.V.Ramana Murty, T.S.Shahul Hameed and T.N.Prakash,2009. Numerical Simulation of the 26th December 2004 tsunami on the south west coast and Lakshwadeep Island of India, Marine Geodesy (in print)
  19. S. Arjun, Kalarani, P. Dhanya, S.S. Praveen, A. K. Reshmi, N. P. Kurian, M. V. Ramana Murthy, T. S. Shahul Hameed and T. N. Prakash, 2009. Numerical Simulation of the 1945 Makran Tsunami on the South West Coast and Lakshadweep Islands of India, Marine Geodesy (in print)

Papers in National Journals:

  1. M.P.M.Reddy, V.Hariharan and N.P.Kurian.  Coastal erosion at Bengre, a fishing village near Mangalore – A preliminary study.  Mahasagar Bullettin of the National Institute of Oceanography, Vol.10(3 & 4), 1976, pp.97-102.
  2. M.P.M.Reddy, V.Hariharan and N.P.Kurian.  Hydrographic features of nearshore waters along Mangalore coast.  Indian Journal of Marine Science, Vol.7, 1978, pp. 141-145.
  3. M.P.M.Reddy, V.Hariharan and N.P.Kurian.  Coastal currents near Mangalore.  Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.58, 1978, pp. 161- 164.
  4. M.P.M.Redddy, V.Hariharan and N.P.Kurian. Coastal Currents of Mangalore and the possibility of the relationship with pelagic fish catches in the area.  Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol.6, 1979, pp. 16-19.
  5. M.P.M.Reddy, V.Hariharan and N.P.Kurian.  Seasonal variations in hydrographic conditions of estuarine and oceanic waters adjoining the old Mangalore port.  Indian Journal of Marine Sciences. Vol.8, 1979, pp. 73-77.
  6. M.P.M.Reddy, V.Hariharan and N.P.Kurian.  Sediment movement and siltation in thenavigational channel of the Mangalore Port.  Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol.88 A(IIÄ2), 1979.pp.121 – 150.
  7. V.Hariharan , M.P.M.Reddy and N.P.Kurian.  Littoral and rip currents and beach profiles off Someswar.  The Indian Geographical Journal, Vol.53., 1978, pp.14-20.
  8. M.P.M.Reddy, V.Hariharan and N.P.Kurian. Beach stability along the coast from Ullal to Thannirbhavi near Mangalore.  Indian Journal of  Marine Sciences. Vol.11, 1982, pp.327-332.
  9. N.P.Kurian, M.Baba and T.S.Shahul Hameed. A Study of the monsoonal  beach proceses around Alleppey, Kerala.  Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Earth Planet. Sci.), Vol.9(4), 1985.pp.323-332.
  10. T.R.Chandrasekhara Gupta and N.P.Kurian.  Distribution of particulate and dissolved iron in Netravathi- Gurpur Estuary, Mangalore, Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20, 1986.pp.133-137.
  11. M.Baba, C.M.Harish and N.P.Kurian. Influence of record length and sampling interval on ocean wave spectral estimates.  Mahasagar, Bulletin of the National Institute of Oceanography, Vol.19(2), 1986, pp.79- 85
  12. M.Baba, N.P.Kurian, T.S.Shahul Hameed, K.V.thomas and C.M.Harish.  Termporal and spatial variation in wave climate off Kerala, Southwest coast of India.  Indian Journal of Marine sciences, Vol.16, pp.5-8
  13. N.P.Kurian, Abhilash P.Pillai, K.Rajith, B.T.Muralikrishnan and P.Kalairasan, 2006 Inundation characteristics and geomorphological impacts of Dec 2004 tsunami on Kerala coast, Current Science, Vol.90, 240-249.
  14. T.S.Murty, N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 2006. Trans-Oceanic reflection of tsunamis: The Kerala example, Disaster & Development Vol.1 No.1 65-76.
  15. V. R. Shamji, T. S. Shahul Hameed, N. P. Kurian and K. V. Thomas, 2010. Application of numerical modelling for morphological changes in a high-energy beach during the south-west monsoon; Current Science, 98, No.5, pp. 691-695.
  16. N.P.Kurian and S.S.Praveen, 2010. Tsunami wave propagation in the Arabian Sea and its implications on run-up/inundation characteristics along the Kerala coast, Indian Journal of Marine Sciences (in print)

In Proceedings of Conferences/Seminars:

  1. N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 1986.  A comparative study of the performance of waverider buoy and pressure recorder.  Proceedings of the 3rd Indian Conference on ocean Engineering 1986, Vol.II, pp.K21 – 28
  2. M.Baba, N.P.Kurian, K.V.Thomas, T.S.Shahul Hameed and C.M.Harish, 1987.  Monitoring of coastal environment for its management.  Proceedings, Coastal zone 87, 4764- 4777.
  3. M.Baba and N.P.Kurian, 1988. Wave spectral transformation in shoaling waters. Proc. Int. Symp. on Coastal Zone with special reference to the Coastal Zone of China, Beijing, Aug. 1988 (in press)
  4. N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 1989.  Spectral transformation model for predicting nearshore random waves A Summary.  Proceedings, International Conference on Natural and Man made Hazards in Coastal Zones, 1989, pp.59-63.
  5. N.P.Kurian and T.S.Shahul Hameed, 1989.  Effects of wave transformation on height period distribution.  Proceedings, Third National Conference on Dock & Harbour engineering Surathkal, Vol.1, pp. 77-84.
  6. M.Baba, T.S.Shahul Hameed and N.P.Kurian, 1994.  Wave power of Lakshadweep islands.  Proc. Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Pune, pp. A53- A62.
  7. T.S.Shahul Hameed, N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 1994.  Wave climate and power off Kavaratti, Lakshadweep.  Proc.Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean engineerin, Pune, pp.A63 – A72.
  8. M.Baba, Joseph Mathew and N.P.Kurian, 1994.  Kerala mud bank- A wave and current induced phenomenon.  Proc. Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Pune, pp. D21- D30.
  9. N.P.Kurian and K.K.Ramachandran, 1994.  Mapping of suspended sediment concentration along Kerala coast using satellite digital data.  Proc.Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Pune, pp.D43 – D52.
  10. T.N.Prakash and N.P.Kurian, 1994.  A conceptual model for the placer mineral concentrations at Chavara in the Quilon coast, Kerala.  Proc. Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Pune, pp.J55 – J64.
  11. N.P.Kurian, M.Samsuddin, K.K.Ramachandran and M.B.Salim, 1994.  Resource evaluation using remote sensing for brackish water acquaculture site selection- A case study.  Proceedings of the sixth Kerala Science Congress, Thiruvananthapuram, pp.23-25.
  12. N.P.Kurian, T.N.Prakash and Felix Jose, 1996.  Hydrodynamic processes along Quilon coast. Proc. International conf. Ocean Engineering, Madras, pp. 17- 20.
  13. N.P.Kurian, T.N.Prakash and Felix Jose, 1997.  Wave power potential of the Kanyakumari – Alappuzha sector, South west coast of India. Proc. Second Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 234- 240.
  14. T.S.Shahul Hameed, N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 1997.  Reliability of ship- observed wave data- a case study.  Proc. Second Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 742 – 749.
  15. Felix Jose, N.P.Kurian and T.N.Prakash, 1997.  Long shore sediment transport alont the southewest coast  of India.  Proc. Second Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 1047 – 1053.
  16. T.N.Prakash, N.P.Kurian and Felix Jose, 1997.  Heavy sand concentration in relation to hydrodybamic processes along Manavalakurichi, SW coast of India. Proc. Second Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 1099 – 1107.
  17. K.V.Thomas, T.S.Shahul Hameed, M.Baba and N.P.Kurian, 1997.  Long term wave climate of Kerala coast.  Proc. Second Indian National Conference on Harour and Ocean Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 1301 – 1310.
  18. M. Baba and N.P.Kurian, 2004. Sand budgeting and coastal management, Proc. Indian National Conference on Harbour & Ocean Engineering, Goa, 888-894.
  19. N.P. Kurian, K.K. Ramachandran, L. Sheela Nair, K.V.Thomas, T.S.S. Hameed and M.V. Ramana Murthy, 2007. Longterm shoreline change along the south-central Kerala coast. Proc. IndianNat. Conf. Harbour and Ocean Engg, Suratkal, 761-768.
  20. L. Sheela Nair, V.R. Shamji, N.P. Kurian, M.V. Ramana Murthy, 2007. Coastal processes in a critically eroding sector of south west Coast of India. Proc. Indian Nat. Conf. Harbour and Ocean Engg, Suratkal, 721-729.
  21. V.R. Shamji, T.S. Shahul Hameed, and N.P. Kurian, 2007. A numerical model study of shore line change at Trivandrum coast, southern Kerala. Proc. IndianNat. Conf. Harbour and Ocean Engg, Suratkal 384-391.

In Books:

  1. N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 1986.  Identification of zones of erosion, In: B.P Radhakrishna and K.K.Ramachandran (Ed.), India’s Environment.  Geological Society of India, Bangalore, 1986, pp. 275-287
  2. T.S.Shahul Hameed, N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 1986.  Impact of permeable structure on shoreline development.  In: B.P.Radhakrishna and K.K.Ramachandran (Ed.), India’s Enviroment.  Geological Society of India, Bangalore, 1986, pp.275-287.
  3. N.P.Kurian, 1988.  Waves and littoral processes at Calicut.  In: M.Baba and N.P.Kurian (Ed.), Ocean Waves and Beach Processes, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, 1988, pp.91-110.
  4. N.P.Kurian and M.Baba, 1988.  Predicting shallow water waves and breakers.  In: M.Baba and N.P.Kurian (Ed.), Ocean Waves and Beach Processes, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, 1988, pp.183-204.
  5. M.Baba and N.P.Kurian, 1988.  Instrumentation, data collection and analysis. In: M.Baba and N.P.Kurian (Ed.), Ocean Waves and Beach Processes, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, 1988, pp.15- 45.
  6. N.P.Kurian, 1989. Shallow water wave transformation.  In: Ocean Wave Studies and Applications (Ed.M.Baba and T.S.Shahul Hameed), Centre for Earth Science Studies, 1989, pp.15 – 32.
  7. N.P.Kurian, M. Baba, T.S.Shahul Hameed, K.V.Thomas and C.M.Harish, 2004. Hydrodynamics of the Coastal waters of SW coast of India, In: Earth System Science and Nathural Resources Management, G.R.Ravindrakumar & N. Subhash (Ed.), 181-199.
  8. T.S.Shahul Hameed, N.P.Kurian and M. Baba, 2004 Shallow water ocean wave modeling, In: Earth System Science and Natural Resources Management, G.R.Ravindrakumar & N. Subhash (Ed.), 201-209.
  9. K.V.Thomas, M. Baba, S. Chattopadhyay and N.P.Kurian, 2004.  Integrated Coastal Zone Management- Examples from Kerala coast, In: Earth System Science and Nathural Resources Management, G.R.Ravindrakumar & N. Subhash (Ed.), 279-295.
  10. N.P.Kurian, T.N.Prakash and M.Baba, 2007. Field Observation on the tsunami impact along the Kerala coast, southwest India.  In: the Indian Ocean Tsunami, T.S.Murty, U. Aswathanarayana and N. Nirupama (Eds.), 323-337.


  1. M.Baba and N.P.Kurian (Ed.). Ocean Waves and Beach Processes Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, 1988, 249 pp.
  2. N.P.Kurian and K.V.Thomas (Guest Eds). Coastal Processes, Resources and Management, Special Issue Indian Journal of Marine Sciences (in print)


  1. M.Baba, N.P.Kurian, T.S.Shahul Hameed, K.V.Thomas, M.Prasanna Kumar and C.M.Harish.  Studies on the waves and their refraction in relation to beach erosion along the Kerala coast.  CESS Technical Report No. 29, 1983.
  2. M.Baba, P.S.Joseph, N.P.Kurian, T.S.Shahul Hameed, K.V.Thomas, M.Prasanna Kumar and C.M.Harish.  Studies on the waves and their refraction in relation to beach erosion along the Kerala coast.  CESS Technical Report No.31, 1983.
  3. N.P.Kurian, T.S.Shahul Hameed and M.Baba.  Beach dynamics in relation to wave climate at Alleppey.  CESS Technical Report No. 38, 1984.
  4. M.Prasanna Kumar, N.P.Kurian and M.Baba.   A study of nearshore processes and beach profiles at Calicut.  CESS Technical Report No.40, 1984.
  5. M.Baba. T.K.Sivadas, K.J.Mathew, N.P.Kurian and A.V.Babu.  Development and testing of a Coastal Oceanographic Data Acquisition System (CODAS), Technical Report, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, No.53, 1989, 50p.
  6. N.P.Kurian, M.Samsuddin, K.K.Ramachandran, M.B.Salim and Joseph Mathew, 1994.  Coastal landuse mapping of the Kerala coast for brackish water aquaculture site selection.  Scientific Note RSAM/SAC/CMASS/SN/07/94, Space Application centre, 17p.
  7. Kurian, N.P., Prakash, T.N., Thomas, K.V., Hameed, T.S.S., Chattopadhyay, S and Baba, M., Black, K.P. and Mathew, J., 2002.  Heavy mineral budgeting and management at Chavara.  Project Report, CESS, Trivandrum. Vol 1 and 2, 513p
  8. Kurian NP, Thomas KV, Shahul Hameed TS, Ramachandran KK, Sheela Nair L, Ramana Murty MV,Subramanian BR, Pillai AP, Kalaiarasan P, Rajith K, Murali Krishanan BT, Indulekha KP, Sreejith C,Anil T, Asha V, Shamji VR, Manjunath Bhat, Edwin Rajan (2007). Shoreline Management Plan for Munambam–Kayamkulam sector, South-West Coast of India, Final Project Report. CESS, Trivandrum,
    188 pp



Dr N.P.Kurian Ph. D.


Email :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone(Off) : +91-(0)471 2511501

Phone(Res) : +91-(0)471 2593800

Ongoing as PI:

  1. Study on depletion of heavy mineral content in the beach washings of IREL, Chavara, sponsored by Indian Rare Earths Ltd.

Completed as PI:

  1. Study of Coastal processes  & Hazards along Kerala Coast with particular reference to disaster preparedness, funded by CESS; project completed in 2009
  2. Shoreline Management Plan for west coast, sponsored by ICMAM Project Directorate, DOD ; Completed in 2007
  3. High Resolution bathymetry for the Kerala coast; sponsored by INCOIS, Ministry of Earth Sciences; Completed in 2008
  4. Heavy Mineral Budgeting and Management at Chavara, sponsored by IREL; completed in 2002.
  5. Developing a Coastal Management Plan, Ashtamudi Estuary, Kollam, sponsored by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand (as Project Manager); completed in 2001.
  6. Placer Mineral Transport and Concentration along SW coast of India, sponsored by DST; completed in 1997.
  7. Land use Mapping of Coastal Regulation Zone of Kerala using Remote Sensing, sponsored by SAC/MoEF ; completed in 1995.
  8. Coastal landuse mapping for brackishwater aquaculture using remote sensing, sponsored by Space Applications Centre/ Min. of Agriculture, Govt. of India; completed in 1994.


Dr N.P.Kurian Ph. D.


Email :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone(Off) : +91-(0)471 2511501

Phone(Res) : +91-(0)471 2593800


Ph. D. : 1988, Marine Sciences; Cochin University of Science & Technology.
Thesis : Wave height and spectral transformation in the shallow waters of Kerala coast and their prediction
PG Diploma : 1987, Remote Sensing, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
M. Sc : (year), 1975, Oceanography, University of Cochin

Professional Career:

December 2010 –     Present   Director, CESS
February   2001 –     November 2010   Scientist F, CESS
February   1996 –     January 2001   Scientist E2, CESS
February   1991 –     January 1996   Scientist E1, CESS
February   1985 –     January 199   Scientist C
February   1980 –     January 1985   Scientist B, CESS
December 1975 –     January 1980   Instructor in Oceanography, Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Mangalore

Research Interests:

Coastal oceanography, coastal processes, ocean waves

Membership in professional bodies:

Life Member, Remote Sensing Society of India

Life Member, Ocean Society of India