Rafeeque M. K

Mr. M. K. Rafeeque

Scientific Assistant Gr B, Marine Science Group (MSG)

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Phone(Off) : 0471-2511689

Fax : 0471-2442280


M. A. : 2009, Geography, University of Calicut.
B. A. : 2006, Geography (Cartography, Statistics), University of Calicut.

Professional career:

2015 - Present Scientific Assistant Gr-B, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2010 - 2015 Scientific Assistant Gr-A, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2009 - 2010 Project Scientist, Kerala state Land Use Board, Thrissur

Research Interest:

Coastal geomorphology, Geomorphological Mapping, Landscape Study, Remote Sensing and GIS, GPS.

Achievements & Awards:

  1. Best mini project award (Active Microwave) during PORSEC 2012 for work done as part of pre-conference tutorial.
  2. UGC NET (Geography), UGC.

Research Experience:

  1. Project Team member/ Team Leader, ESSO-National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
  2. Shoreline management plan of kerala. (MoES 9)
  3. Sedimentary budgeting studies for the mining site of Kerala Minerals & Metals Ltd, Chavara. (KMML)
  4. Study on depletion of heavy mineral content in the Beach washings of IREL, Chavara, and Kollam. (IREL )
  5. Preparation of Integrated Island Management plan for Lakshadweep Islands. (UTL - 6)
  6. Integrated study on Estuary, Beach and Innershelf Dynamics of the West coast of India and Sediment Budgeting and Placer Mineral Value Addition. (Core project of COP)
  7. Documentation the erosion hotspots along the Kerala coast during monsoon.
  8. Preparing CRZ/CZM plan of Thane & Sindhudurge districts of Maharashtra.
  9. Coastal Zone Management Plan of Kerala as per CRZ notification 2011.

Seminars/ Conferences/ Trainings/ Workshops:

  1. Attended one week training program on ‘Use of Open Source GIS Package in Coastal Zone Management’ held at ICMAM Project Directorate, Chennai, during October 2011.
  2. Attended and successfully completed a three month training course on “Remote Sensing & GIS – Technology and Applications” conducted by NRSC, Hyderabad, from 14th Nov. 2011 to 3rd Feb. 2012.
  3. Attended one week pre conference tutorial on “Active Microwave Remote Sensing” conducted by PORSEC at Kochi during Oct. – Nov. 2012.
  4. Attended a 5-day international conference on “Ocean Remote Sensing for Well-being of All” and presented a poster presentation on “Management of Coastal Ecosystems in Urban Areas through CRZ using RS and GIS” in the International conference (PORSEC 2012) held at Kochi during Nov. 2012.
  5. Undergone 4 day training program on ‘ERDAS Imagine 2015’ conducted by INTERGRAPH in Geomatics Laboratory of NCESS from 25/02/2015 to 28/02/2015.
  6. Undergone 3 day training program on ‘Arc GIS 10.3’ conducted by Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI) in Geomatics Laboratory of NCESS from 11/03/2015 to 13/03/2015.
  7. Attended in a two day workshop conducted in NCSCM, MoEF, Chennai on ‘Sediment Cells and Shoreline Change Mapping of Indian Coast’ during the March 2015.
  8. 3 Month Training course on “Remote Sensing & GIS – Technology and Applications”, National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad. (2012)


  1. Rafeeque M.K., M Rameshan., M.K Sreeraj., D S Suresh Babu and K.K Ramachandran (2015). Geo-Environmental appraisal of mangrove echo system along the Sindhudurg coast of Maharashtra. Indian Carographer ,Vol.35, Page : 420-425
  2. Rameshan M.,Vimal K.C.,Sreeraj M.K.,Arun T.J., Rafeeque M.K and Thomas K.V (2015). Geospatial Distribution of mangrove ecosystems along Southwest coast of India and its management through Coastal Regulation Zone.¬ World Ocean Science Congress, Kerala, 124-125.
  3. K.O. Badarees, K.V. Thomas, K.C. Vimal and Rafeeque M.K. (2012) “Management of Coastal Ecosystems in Urban Areas through CRZ using RS and GIS” PORSEC 2012.