Marine and Microbiology Laboratory
This lab is equipped to carryout isolation, identification, quantitative and qualitative determination of bacteria in water and sediment. Data quality is assured by sending pure cultures to recognized labs. The database is used by environmental stewards for decision making in pollution control and to verify the effectiveness of management action initiated in terms of pollution abatement. This lab is engaged in estimation of primary productivity, chlorophyll a and phaeophyte and in identification and qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytoplankton, zoo plankton and benthic organisms. This facility is equipped with Laminar Air Flow chamber, Vertical Air Flow Type, Laminar Air Flow cabinet by Lab line, Light Microscope-Labomed Lx300, Microscope - Olympus (CX 41), Microscope - Olympus (BX 43), Microscope - Radical (RXLr 5), Vertical Autoclave - Lab line and an Incubator - Rotek. This facility has capabilities of Identification of major pathogenic microbes from water/liquid systems, storage of reference cultures, estimation of primary productivity and can carry out microbiological evaluation of industrial and domestic waste waters on payment basis. The lab houses RT-PCR, Gel Documentation System and Electrophoresis for microbial studies in advanced level.