SEM-EDS Laboratory
The SEM-EDS Laboratory houses a TESCAN VEGA 3 LMU high-performance, Variable Pressure Analytical SEM with LAB6 having high resolution of 2 nm, along with the most advanced LN2-free high-resolution, high-speed EDS (QUANTAX 200 with XFlash®6/30 SDD Detector) from Bruker with Energy resolution < 126 eV and a 30 mm2 active window area. It is also equipped with SE, R-BSE, Colour + Panchromatic Cathodoluminescence (CL) Detectors with digital image processing and storage capabilities.
The SEM-EDS is capable of capturing ultra structural details of samples as images in digital mode which in turn permits the observation and characterization of heterogeneous organic and inorganic materials, thereby providing high-resolution and high depth-of-field images of sample surface and near-surface. The instrument can magnify specimens up to 10,00,000 times. SE Detector provides Topographic Contrast Imaging using Secondary Electrons. Retractable BSE detectors with YAG scintillator provides compositional contrast, material contrast, phase contrast imaging and phase Identification using Back Scattered Electrons.
The state of the art EDS facility provides qualitative and semi quantitative compositional analysis of different phases, grains and selected points of the samples including Multi Point, Line Scan and elemental mapping of the selected area. Elements from Be (5) to Americium (95) with a detection limit of 1000 ppm can be analyzed. Conductive coatings of gold or carbon is deposited for sample preparation of non-conducting samples using a Quorum SC7620 sputter coater or Quorum CA7625 evaporative carbon coater.
Samples of rocks, minerals, fossils, ores, biological, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, polymer materials can be studied using SEM-EDS facility. NCESS primarily uses the equipment for mineralogical investigations, petrological studies, characterisation of palaeontological samples and interpretation of sedimentological and depositional environments.
Dr. Sneha Mukherjee
T: 0471-2511669
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