Resmi 1

डॉ ई.ए.रेश्मी

वैज्ञानिक ई ,  वायुमंडलीय विज्ञान समूह (एएसजी)

ईमेल: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

दूरभाष (द): 0471-2511641

दूरभाष (घ):  

फैक्स: 0471-2442280

  1. Resmi E. A., K. Mohankumar, K. S. Appu (2013) Effect of polar sudden stratospheric warming on the tropical stratosphere and troposphere and its surface signatures over the Indian region. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 105–106: 15-29, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.07.003.
  2. Resmi E A., N. Malap, G. Kulkarni, P. Murugavel, S. Nair, R. Burger, T. V. Prabha (2015) Diurnal cycle of convection during CAIPEEX 2011 experiment. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 126: 351–367, DOI:10.1007/s00704-015-1595-7.
  3. Nair S., Resmi E A, G. Kulkarni, N. Malap, S. Patade, T. V. Prabha (2015) Thermodynamical and cloud microphysical characteristics during the transition from Southwest to Northeast monsoon. Atmospheric Research, 166: 182-194, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.06.018.
  4. Varghese M., T. V. Prabha, N. Malap, E. A. Resmi, P. Murugavel, P. D. Safai, D. Axisa, G. Pandithurai, K. Dani (2016) Airborne and ground based CCN spectral characteristics: Inferences from CAIPEEX - 2011. Atmospheric Environment, 125: 324-336, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.06.041.
  5. Sathyanadh A., T. V. Prabha, B. Balaji, E. A. Resmi, A. Karipot (2017) Evaluation of WRF PBL parameterization schemes against direct observations during a dry event over the Ganges valley. Atmospheric Research, 193: 125–141, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.02.016.
  6. Sumesh R. K., K. Rajeevan, E. A. Resmi and C. K. Unnikrishnan (2017) Particulate Matter Concentrations in the Southern Tip of India: Temporal Variation, Meteorological Influences, and Source Identification. Earth Syst Environ (2017) 1:13 DOI 10.1007/s41748-017-0015-9.
  7. Rajeevan K., R. K. Sumesh, E. A. Resmi and C.K Unnikrishnan (2017). An observational study on the variation of black carbon aerosol and source identification over a tropical station in south India. (Atmospheric Pollution Research, In Press).
  8. Prakash Pithani, & Sachin D. Ghude & Thara Prabhakaran & Anand Karipot & Anupam Hazra & Rachana Kulkarni & Subharthi Chowdhuri & E. A. Resmi & Mahen Konwar & P. Murugavel & P. D. Safai & D. M. Chate & Y. Tiwari & R. K. Jenamani & M. Rajeevan. WRF model sensitivity to choice of PBL and microphysics parameterization for an advection fog event at Barkachha, rural site in the Indo-Gangetic basin, India. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
  9. Sumesh R K, Resmi E A, Unnikrishnan CK, Dharmadas Jash, Sreekanth, T S, Mol Resmi M C, Rajeevan K, Nita S, Ramachandran K K, 2019, Microphysical aspects of tropical rainfall during Bright Band events at mid and high-altitude regions over Southern Western Ghats, India. Atmospheric Research, 227 178–197. (IF:3.7).
  10. Varghese M, Prabha T V., Murugavel P., Anu A.S., Resmi E.A., Dinesh G., Jaya Rao Y., Baban Nagare, Safai P.D., Nair S, Nandakumar K, Vishnu R., Bhavani Kumar Y., 2019, Aerosol and cloud droplet characteristics over Ganges Valley during break phase of monsoon: A case study. Atmospheric Research 220, 125–140. (IF:3.7).
  11. Sreekanth T. S., Varikoden H., Mohan Kumar G., and Resmi E. A., 2019, Microphysical Features of Rain and Rain events during different Seasons over a Tropical Mountain location using an Optical Disdrometer. 9:19083 |


कार्यवाही / रिपोर्ट

  1. Rajeevan K., R. K. Sumesh, E. A. Resmi (2017), Characteristics of black carbon and its influence on meteorology over a tropical coastal station Thiruvananthapuram, Proceedings of 29th Kerala Science Congress, 04-16: 469-481.
  2. CAIPEEX data workshop 2012 (2013) Contributed to: Theme 2: Hygroscopic cloud seeding and randomization, Theme 3: Radar data analysis with TITAN. (
  3. CAIPEEX – Final report (2009 – 2011), Phase I-III.