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डॉ. डी. एस. सुरेश बाबू

वैज्ञानिक एफ, तटीय प्रक्रियाएं (सीओपी) & प्रधान, परियोजनायें, प्रशिक्षण और प्रलेखीकरण (पी टी डी)

ईमेल: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

दूरभाष (द): 0471-2511504

दूरभाष (घ): 0471- 2720433

फैक्स: 0471-2442280


Ph. D. : 1990. Geologic-Mineralogical Sciences, Ministry of Higher Education, Moscow, Russia.
Thesis : Provenance, path of migration and assessment of heavy mineral concentrations of beach placer deposits, Kerala, India.
M.Sc. : 1984 Geology, University of Kerala.


  1. Training on ‘Environmental Impact Assessment of Water Resource Projects’ conducted by CWRDM (Nov’1995)
  2. Course on ‘Terrain Evaluation and GIS’ at IIT, Mumbai during Nov’1996 – Feb’1997
  3. Training in Microstation and Geovec office by Rolta (India) Ltd at CESS in May’1999
  4. State level faculty training for the preparation of ‘Watershed Development Plans’ at CESS (Oct.’1999)
  5. Training in ‘Ground Water Modelling’ at Federal University of Parana (UFPR), Brazil (August’2000 to August’2002)
  6. Training by NRSA for the preparation of ‘Ground Water potential maps’ at CESS during 3/4/2000 to 08/04/2000
  7. GIS Training at Survey of India office, Hyderabad during 17-21 November’2003
  8. Modules of eOffice package at NIC, New Delhi (2015-16)


  1. USSR Overseas Doctoral Fellowship (1986-90)
  2. CSIR Fellow Scientist Scholarship (1991-94)
  3. MHRD Post Doctoral fellowship to China (1994), Not availed
  4. SERC (DST) Visiting Fellowship to IIT, Mumbai (1997)
  5. UFPR, Brazil Visiting Scientist Fellowship (2000-02)
  6. Received INSA fellowship to visit Russia in 2005-06
  7. Member of IGCP 468 project and visited St.Petersberg, Russia during its concluding session in June’2005
  8. Nominated as a member of IGCP-514 (2005-09) on paleochannels
  9. Certificate of Merit(Geosciences), Awarded by MoES, GoI (2016)


  1. Life Member, Nuclear Track Society of India, Bombay (LM-115)
  2. Life Member, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun (L-1442)
  3. Life Member, Indian National Cartographic Association (LM-1641)
  4. Annual Member, Geological Society of India, Bangalore

पेशेवर कैरियर:

2008 - Present Scientist-E & H/PTD, National Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2008 - 2012 Project Manager (KSA)
2004 - 2008 Scientist D, Centre for Earth Science Studies.
2000 - 2002 Visiting Scientist (UFPR, Brazil).
1999 - 2004 Scientist C, Centre for Earth Science Studies.
1994 - 1999 Scientist B, Centre for Earth Science Studies.
1991 - 1994 CSIR Fellow Scientist (RRL-T).
1986 - 1990 Research Scholar (Moscow, USSR).
1985 - 1986 Senior Research Fellow and Research Associate (CESS).
1984 - 1985 Geological Assistant, Groundwater Department, Govt. of Kerala.

अनुसंधान रुचि:

Beach placer minerals, Coastal groundwater, Hygrogeological modelling


  1. Convener, Regional workshop on “IRS-1C and its application potential” on 22nd May’ 1996 at CESS (Sponsored by NRSA, Govt. of India, Hyderabad and STEC, Govt. of Kerala).
  2. Co-convener, One-day workshop on “Sustainable development of heavy mineral resources of Kerala” at Chavara on 01/10/1997 (Sponsored by IREL, Chavara and STEC, Govt. of Kerala).
  3. Course Coordinator, DST (Govt. of India) sponsored course on Groundwater Modelling from 1st August to 20th August'2005 in CESS, Thiruvananthapuram.
  4. International workshop in Trivandrum and Goa during 01-10 November' 2007 (10 days) under the auspices of IGCP-514 Program on “Fluvial and marine processes of Cenozoic and formation of placers”.