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Dr. Unnikrishnan C.K

Scientist D, Atmospheric Science Group (ASG)

Email : unnikrishnan[dot]ck[at]ncess[dot]gov[dot]in

Phone(Off) : 0471-2511642

Fax : 0471-2442280

In Peer Reviewed Journals:

  1. Jash D, Resmi EA, Unnikrishnan CK, Sumesh RK, Kumar S, Sukumar N. Analysis of Pre-Monsoon Convective Systems over a Tropical Coastal Region Using C-Band Polarimetric Radar, Satellite and Numerical Simulation. Atmosphere. 2022; 13(9):1349
  2. Sumit K, RK Sumesh, EA Resmi, Dharmadas Jash, Unnikrishnan CK, Anusha Andrews, Nita Sukumar, 2022: Raindrop size distribution of stratiform precipitation over Southwest India–The Gateway of Indian Summer Monsoon, Atmospheric Research, 272, 1-16 (Elsevier)
  3. Sumesh RK, EA Resmi, Unnikrishnan CK, Dharmadas Jash, D Padmalal, 2022: The extreme precipitation events of August 2018 and 2019 over southern Western Ghats, India: A microphysical analysis using in-situ measurements, Atmospheric Research, 277, 1-20 (Elsevier)
  4. Seela BK, Janapati J, Unnikrishnan CK, Lin P-L, Le Loh J, Chang W-Y, Kumar U, Reddy KK, Lee D-I, Venkatrami Reddy M., Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Observed at the Coastal and Inland Stations in South India. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(16):3178
  5. Unnikrishnan CK., S Pawar, V. Gopalakrishnan, 2021: Satellite-observed lightning hotspots in India and lightning variability over tropical South India, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 68, 4, 1690-1705. (Elsevier)
  6. Sumesh RK, Resmi EA, Unnikrishnan CK, D Jash, KK Ramachdran, 2021: Signatures of shallow and deep clouds inferred from precipitation microphysics over windward side of Western Ghats, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, 10, 1-31. (Wiley).
  7. Anoop T.R., C.K. Unnikrishnan, Karumuri Ashok, K.K. Ramachandran and T.N. Prakash, 2019: South Asian subtropical low-level jet: influence on the regional hydrology and aerosol optical depth, Current Science, September Vol.117, 1-8
  8. Jayalakshmi, J., B. K. Seela, P.L. Lin, P.K. Wang, C.H. Tseng, K. K. Reddy, H. Hashiguchi, L. Feng, S. K. Das, and Unnikrishnan C. K., 2020: Raindrop size distribution characteristics of Indian and Pacific Ocean tropical cyclones observed at India and Taiwan sites. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 98
  9. R.K.Sumesh, E.A.Resmi, C.K. Unnikrishnan, DharmadasJash, T.S.Sreekanth, M.C. ResmiMol, K.Rajeevan, S.Nita, K.K.Ramachandran, 2019: Microphysical aspects of tropical rainfall during Bright Band events at mid and high-altitude regions over Southern Western Ghats, India ,Atmospheric Research, Volume 227, ,178-197 (Elsevier).
  10. D. Jash, EA Resmi, C.K. Unnikrishnan, RK Sumesh, et al., Atmospheric Research, Vol.217, March 2019, 24-36. (Elsevier). Variation in rain drop size distribution and rain integral parameters during southwest monsoon over a tropical station: An inter-comparison of disdrometer and Micro Rain Radar, Atmospheric Research, Vol.217, 2019, 24-36. (Elsevier).
  11. C.K. Unnikrishnan and M. Rajeevan, 2018: Atmospheric water budget over the South Asian summer monsoon region, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 1-16 (Springer).
  12. SumeshK R. K, Rajeevan E.A, Resmi, C. K. Unnikrishnan 2017: Particulate Matter Concentrations in the Southern Tip of India: Temporal Variation, Meteorological Influences, and Source Identification. Earth Systems and Environment, 1-13 (Springer).
  13. Kolliyil Rajeevan, R. K. Sumesh, Resmi E A, C.K. Unnikrishnan, 2018: An observational study on the variation of black carbon aerosol and source identification over a tropical station in south India, Atmospheric pollution research, 1-15, (Elsevier).
  14. Unnikrishnan C.K, Biswadip Gharai, Saji Mohandas, Ashu Mamgain, E.N. Rajagopal, G. R. Iyengar and P. V. N Rao, 2016: Recent changes on land use/land cover over Indian region and its impact on the weather prediction using Unified model, Atmospheric Science Letters (Wiley), Vol 17, 4., pp 294-300.
  15. Unnikrishnan C.K, Abhishek Lodh , Devesh Maurya, Swapan Mallick, John P. George, EN Rajagopal and Saji Mohandas, 2016: Comparison of two high resolution gridded soil moisture products over India, Journal of Earth System Sciences (Springer), Vol.125, 5, pp 935-944.
  16. Ashu M, Unnikrishnan C.K, E.N Rajagopal, 2016: Recent land-use land-cover changes and their impact on the evolution and structure of thunderstorms in New Delhi, Proc. SPIE (Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Interactions VI),Vol. 9882, doi:10.1117/12.2223602, pp 1-6.
  17. Unnikrishnan C.K, M Rajeevan and S Vijaya Bhaskara Rao, 2016: Impact of high resolution land surface initialization in Indian monsoon simulation using a regional climate model, Journal of Earth System Science (Springer), Vol.125, 4, pp 677-689.
  18. Unnikrishnan C.K, M Rajeevan and SVB Rao, 2015: A study on the role of land-atmosphere coupling on the south Asian monsoon climate variability using a regional climate model, Theoretical and Applied Climatology (Springer), 1-16, doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1680-y.
  19. Unnikrishnan C.K, M Rajeevan, S Vijaya Bhaskara Rao and Manoj Kumar, 2013: Development of a High Resolution Land Surface Data set for the South Asian monsoon region, Current Science, Vol 105, 9, pp 1235-1246.
  20. M Rajeevan, Unnikrishnan C.K and Preeti Bhaskar, 2012: Evaluation of the ENSEMBLES multi-model seasonal forecasts of Indian summer monsoon variability, Climate Dynamics (Springer), Volume 38, Numbers 11-12 (2012), 2257-2274.
  21. M. Rajeevan, Unnikrishnan C.K, Jyoti Bhate, K. Niranjan Kumar and P. P. Sreekala, 2012: Northeast Monsoon over India: Variability and Prediction, Met. Apps. (Wiley), 19, 226–236, doi: 10.1002/met.1322.
  22. Jyoti Bhate, Unnikrishnan C.K and M. Rajeevan, 2012: Regional Climate simulation of the 2009 Indian summer monsoon, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics (ISSN: 0367-8393), Vol. 41, Aug 2012, 488-500.
  23. M. Rajeevan, P. Rohini, K. Niranjan Kumar, J. Srinivasan and Unnikrishnan C.K, 2013: A study of vertical cloud structure of the Indian summer monsoon using CloudSat data, Climate Dynamics (Springer), Volume 40, Issue 3-4, pp 637-650.

Research reports/Conference proceedings/presentations

  1. Abhishek Lodh, Hashmi Fatima, M.P. Raju, Unnikrishnan C.K., Ashis K. Mitra, John P. George And E. N. Rajagopal, 2016, Impact Of GPM Rainfall Forcing On JULES Soil Moisture Simulation, TROPMET2016
  2. Unnikrishnan C.K, Saji Mohandas and E.N. Rajagopal, 2016, Documentation of the Land Surface Scheme in NCMRWF Unified Model, NCMRWF Technical report, No. NMRF/TR/05/2016, 1-69.
  3. Unnikrishnan C.K, Ashu Mamgain, Biswadip Gharai, Saji Mohandas, E.N. Rajagopal, P. N. V. Rao and G. R. Iyengar, 2015: Impact of Land use Land cover on Severe Weather Predictions with NCMRWF Unified Model, TROPMET 2015.
  4. Unnikrishnan C.K, Abhishek Lodh, Devesh Maurya, SwapanMallick, John P. George and E.N. Rajagopal, 2015: Comparison of Unified Model Soil Moisture Analysis with NRSC Derived Soil Moisture and IMD Observations, TROPMET 2015.
  5. Abhishek Lodh, Unnikrishnan C.K , John P George and E. N. Rajagopal, 2015: Impact of ISRO vegetation on EKF based Land-Data Assimilation System for NCUM at NCMRWF, National Climate change conference, 2-3 July 2015, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
  6. Unnikrishnan C.K, M. Rajeevan and S Vijaya Baskara Rao, 2014: Impact of high resolution land data initialization in the seasonal and sub-seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall, INTROMET-2014, SRM University, 2014.
  7. M Rajeevan and Unnikrishnan C.K, 2014: Monsoon and Land surface processes, PROWSES, pp 72-73.
  8. Unnikrishnan C.K and E.N. Rajagopal, 2014: Evaluation of JULES land surface model with LASPEX dataset, WMO 6th International Verification Methods Workshop, New Delhi, India, March, 2014.
  9. Unnikrishnan C.K, M. Rajeevan and S Vijaya Baskara Rao, 2014: Land - Atmosphere coupling over the Indian monsoon region in a regional climate model, INTROMET-2014, SRM University.
  10. Unnikrishnan C.K, M. Rajeevan and S Vijaya Baskara Rao, 2013: Seasonal forecast skill of the Indian summer monsoon in the ENSEMBLES coupled models, WCRP/WMO, International workshop on seasonal to decadal prediction, Toulouse, France, 13 -16 May 2013.
  11. Unnikrishnan C.K, M. Rajeevan and S. Vijaya Bhaskara Rao, 2012: Role of Green vegetation fraction in land surface processes over Indian summer monsoon region, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, ISSN 1815-2619.
  12. Unnikrishnan C.K, M. Rajeevan and S. Vijaya Bhaskara Rao, 2012: Variability of sensible and latent heat flux simulated over Indian summer monsoon region using a land data assimilation system, National Space Science Symposium -2012, PS1-106, Page-59, and ISBN: 978-93-81899-01-04.
  13. Unnikrishnan C.K, Malleswara Rao. M , M Rajeevan and S Vijaya Bhaskara Rao, 2012: Sensitivity of Green Vegetation Fraction in Land Surface Processes over South East Peninsular India, AP Science Congress-2012, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  14. Unnikrishnan C. K, Kiran Salunke, D A Ramu, Ojha Sayantani, P K Theja, Rana Sapna, Shewale Swati, 2012: Development of a statistical model for Indian summer monsoon prediction and it’s skill comparison with GCM, APEC Climate Center Training program 2012, Busan, Republic of Korea, Nov.2012(http://www.apcc21.org/eng/acts/op/japcc0206_viw.jsp).
  15. M. Rajeevan, Unnikrishnan C.K., Pai, 2012 : Long Range Forecasting of the Indian summer monsoon, OCHAMP-2012, IITM, Pune, India, 21-25 Feb. 2012.
  16. Malleswara Rao M, Unnikrishnan C.K and M Rajeevan, 2012: Synoptic Features of Heat Wave Events over Indian Region, AP Science Congress-2012, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  17. M S Narayanan, M. Rajeevan, Jyoti Bhate, Unnikrishnan C.K., M. Ravichandran, Hasibur Rahman, Siva Reddy, 2010: A Training Technique for Improved Estimation of Satellite Derived Rainfall Products over the Indian Land Mass, National Space Science Symposium-2010, Rajkot, India.
  18. Suresh Raju. C, Unnikrishnan C.K, Korak Saha, K. Krishnamoorthy, 2009: Parameterizing Microwave Emissivity of the Indian Desert Region, 5th International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation and Remote Sensing (ICMARS-2009), 19th – 21st December 2009.
  19. M Rajeevan, Amit Kesarkar, Jyoti Bhate, Unnikrishnan C.K., and M.Venkatratnam, 2010: Skill of short-range forecasts for vertical profile of winds over the SHAR region: A brief report, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Dept. of Space, Gadanki, Research Report No NARL/WCRG/1/2010.
  20. M. Rajeevan, Amit Kesarkar, Jyoti Bhate, Unnikrishnan C.K., Madhu Latha, and Sreeram Mahesh, 2009: Development of a Real Time Short-range Weather Forecasting System and its verification during the 2009 Southwest Monsoon Season, WCRG report, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Dept. of Space, and Research Report No. NARL/WCRG/2/2009.