Dr Maya

Dr. K. Maya

Scientist G, Group Head, Environmental Hydrology Group (EHG)

Email : maya[dot]rethu[at]ncess[dot]gov[dot]in

Phone(Off) : 0471- 2511601

Phone(Res) : 0471- 2590280

Fax : 0471-2442280

In peer reviewed journals:

  1. Vipin, T Raj., Gayathri J A., Vandana M., Sreelash K., Maya K., Padmalal D. & K Sajan. (2023). Rock-water interaction and solute transport of two rivers draining contrasting climate gradients in Southern Western Ghats, India. Earth surface processes and Landforms. 48(10), 1969–1989; https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5598. IF.4.133.
  2. Sunny, S., Maya, K., & Sreelesh, R. (2023). Seasonal assessment of sedimentological parameters in the estuarine and coastal compartments of south west India. Water, Air, & SoilPollution(2023)234:425; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-023-06457-8.IF.2.984.
  3. Prasenjit Das, K. Maya and D. Padmalal (2022) Hydrogeochemistry of the Indian thermal springs: Current status. Earth-Science reviews; Volume 224, January 2022, 103890, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103890. ,IF. 12.41
  4. Shaji, J., Banerji, US, K, Maya, Joshi, Kumar Batuk, Dabhi, A J, Bharti, N., Bhushan, R., Padmalal, D., (2022). Holocene monsoon and sea-level variability from coastal lowlands of Kerala, SW India. Quaternary International, In Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2022.03.005
  5. Haridas, N.V., Banerji, US, K, Maya, Padmalal, D., 2022. Paleoclimatic and palaeoceanographic records from the Bay of Bengal sediments during the last 30 ka. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 105169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2022.105169
  6. Banerji, US, Shaji J., Arulbalaji, P., Maya, K., Vishnu Mohan S., Dabhi, A. J., Shivam, A., Bhushan, R. and Padmalal, D(2021) Mid-late Holocene evolutionary history and climate reconstruction of Vellayani lake, south India. Quaternary International. 2021, 566-600, 72-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.03.018. . IF. 2.130
  7. K Sreelash., P Arul Balaji.,K Maya and D Padmalal (2021) Fresh water sources of Kerala- Hydrometereological Scenarios, Environmental threats and management strategies; Special publication of the Geological Society of India, No. 10, pp 20-30.
  8. Gayathri J A, Vipin T. Raj, K.Sreelash, K.Maya, M.Vandana and D. Padmalal (2021). Spatio temporal variability in ground water chemistry of a mountainous catchment with complex geological and climate gradients in Southwest India; Environmental Earth Sciences. Vol.56 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09862-6
  9. Prasenjit Das, Maya K, and Padmalal D (2020) Hydrochemistry, geothermometry and origin of the low temperature thermal springs of South Konkan region, India. Geothermics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermic.2020.101997
  10. P Arulbalaji., Upasana S Banerji., K. Maya and D Padmalal (2020) Signatures of late Quaternary land-sea interactions and landform dynamics along southern Kerala coast, SW India, Quaternary International, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.05.011
  11. Arulbalaji P., Padmalal D. and Maya K. (2020) Impact of urbanization and land surface temperature changes in a coastal town in Kerala, India. Environmental Earth Sciences Environmental Earth Sciences (2020) 79:400 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-09120-1
  12. Vandana M., John S. E., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2020). Environmental impact of quarrying of building stones and laterite blocks: a comparative study of two river basins in Southern Western Ghats, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79(14), pp 1-15.
  13. Arulbalaji P., Sreelash K., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2020). Hydrological assessment of groundwater potential zones of Cauvery river basin, India: a geospatial approach. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78: 667.doi.org /10.1007/s12665-019-8673-6
  14. Vandana M., John S. E., Maya K., Sunny S. and Padmalal D. (2020). Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of hard rock quarrying in a tropical river basin- study from the SW India. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 192:580, doi.org/10.1007/s10661-020-08485-x
  15. P Arulbalaji and K Maya (2019) Effects of landuse dynamicson hydrological response onwatershed:A case study of Chittar watershed,Vamanapuram river basin,Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala,India. Journal of Water Conservation Science and Environment, http://doi.org/10.1007/s41101-019-00066-5
  16. Maya K., Prasenjit Das., K Sreelash and K Narendra Babu (2018) The coastal springs of southern Kerala,SW India-Hydrology and water quality assessment. JGSI Special Issue on Western Ghats: Evolution and Environmental Issues.Vol.92. No.5.pp616-625. (Impact Factor: 3.483)
  17. Sreelash, K., Sharma, R.K., Gayathri, J.A., Upendra, B., Maya, K. and Padmalal, D. (2018). Impact of rainfall variability on river hydrology– A case study of southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Geological Society of India: Special Issue on Western Ghats: Evolution and Environmental Issues. JGSI Special Issue on Western Ghats: Evolution and Environmental Issues.Vol.92. No.5. 548-554. (Impact Factor: 3.483).
  18. Shiekha E John., Rajimol T R., Vishnu Mohan S., Maya K and Padmalal D (2017) Environmental degradation of a tropical Estuary due to human interferences-A case study from southern Kerala, SW India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences., DOI 10.1007/s12517-017-3112-z.
  19. Maya K., Vishnu Mohan., Rutha B Limaye., Padmalal D and Kumaran K P N (2017) Geomorphic responses to sea level and climate changes during Late Quaternary in a humid tropical coastline: Terrain evolution model from Southwest India, PLOS ONE, https.//doi.org/10.137/journal.pone.0176775., p32
  20. Vishnu Mohan S., John S. E., Rajimol T. R., Maya K., Sajan K. and Padmalal D. (2016). Human interventions and consequent environmental degradation of a protected freshwater lake in Kerala, SW India, Geosciences Journal, Vol. 20(3), pp 391-402.
  21. John S. E., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2016) Environmental Impact Assessment of Soil Quarrying from the Hills of Central Kerala, Southwest Coast of India, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications Vol. 6(8), pp. 514-520.
  22. Padmalal D., Maya K., Vishnu Mohan S. and Baburaj B. (2014). Holocene land-sea interactions and landform changes in the coastal lands of Vembanad lagoon, Kerala, SW India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol.43, No.7.
  23. Vishnu Mohan S., Padmalal D., Maya K. and Baburaj B. (2014). Sea level oscillations, climate change and landform evolution in the western coastal lowlands of Trivandrum block in peninsular India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol.43, No.7.
  24. Padmalal D., Kumaran K.P.N., Ruta B. Limaye, Baburaj B., Vishnu Mohan S. and Maya K. (2014). Effect of Holocene climate and sea level changes on landform evolution and human habitation: Central Kerala, India. Quaternary International, Vol.325, pp. 162-178.
  25. Shiekha E. John, Vishnu Sagar M. K., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2014) Dissolved nutrients (NO3-N and PO4-P) and Fe in the interstitial and overlying waters of two tropical fresh water lakes in southern Kerala, India. Journal of Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 381-392.
  26. Maya K., Padmalal D., Baburaj B. and Narendra Babu K. (2014). Water quality assessment of a small tropical river basin, Southwest coast of India. Journal of Applied Geochemistry, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 306-320.
  27. Badarudeen A., Sajan K., Srinivas R., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2014). Environmental significance of heavy metal concentrations in leaves and stems of the mangrove vegetations along the south-west coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol.43, No.6, pp. 1021-1029.
  28. Anooja S., Padmalal D., Maya K., Vishnu Mohan S. and Baburaj B. (2013). Heavy mineral contents and provenance of the Late Quaternary sediments of Southern Kerala, Southwest India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol.42, No.6, pp. 749 – 759.
  29. Maya K., Remya S. I., Baburaj B., Baijulal B., Lekshmi I., Nisha U. R., Sangeetha J. and Padmalal D. (2013). Natural and anthropogenic determinants of water quality changes in a small tropical river basin, SW India. International Journal and Agricultural Sciences, Vol.3, Issue 1, pp. 363-372.
  30. Maya K., Santhosh V., Padmalal D. and Aneesh Kumar S.R. (2012). Impact of mining and quarrying in Muvattupuzha river basin, Kerala- An over view on its environmental effects. Bonfring International Journal of Industrial engineering and management, Vol.2, Special issue 1, pp. 36-40.
  31. Santhosh V., Padmalal D., Baijulal B. and Maya K. (2012). Brick and tile clay mining from the paddy lands of central Kerala (southwest coast of India) and emerging environmental issues. Environmental Earth Sciences. Vol.68, pp. 2111-2121.
  32. Padmalal D., Maya K., Narendra Babu K., Baiju R.S. and Baburaj B. (2012). Hydrochemical characterization and water quality assessment of the coastal springs of southern Kerala, India. Journal of Applied Geochemistry, Vol.14, No.4. pp 466-481.
  33. Baburaj B., Padmalal D., Remya S.I., Maya K. and Lekshmi I. (2012). DIN, DIP, DIC and SO4 Fluxes from the Neyyar River (Kerala) into the Receiving Coastal Waters. Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol.2, Special Issue 1, pp. 1 – 7.
  34. Maya K., Padmalal D., Narendra Babu K. and Sreeja R. (2009). Lime shell mining from the Vembanad Lake Basin (Kerala State), SW India: Problems and prospects. The Icfai University Journal of Earth Science, Vol.3, pp. 41-54.
  35. Padmalal D., Maya K., Sreebha S. and Sreeja R. (2008). Environmental effects of river sand mining: a case from the river catchments of Vembanad lake, Southwest India. Environmental Geology, Vol.54, pp. 879-889.
  36. Babu K.N., Padmalal D, Maya K, Sreeja R. and Arun P.R. (2007). Quality of surface and ground water around tile and brick clay mines in Chalakudy river basin, southwestern India. Journal of Geological Society of India, Vol.169, pp 279-284.
  37. Maya K., Babu K.N., Padmalal D. and Seralathan P. (2007). Hydrochemistry and dissolved nutrient flux of small catchment rivers, south – west India. Journal of Chemistry and Ecology, Vol.23, No.1, pp 13-27.
  38. Arun P.R., Sreeja R., Sreebha S., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2006). River sand mining and its impact on physical and biological environments of Kerala rivers, Southwest coast of India. Eco-chronicle, Vol.1, pp. 1-6.
  39. Padmalal D, Maya K. and Seralathan P. (1997). Geochemistry of Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd and Cr in surfacial sediments of a tropical estuary, southwest coast of India - a granulometric approach. Environmental Geology, Vol.31(1/2), pp.85-93.

In books:

  1. K. Maya, D. Padmalal, M. Vandana, S. Vishnu Mohan, V.R. Vivek, Ruta B. Limaye and, K.P.N. Kumaran (2021) Holocene changes in fluvial geomorphology, depositional environments, and evolution of coastal wetlands-A multiproxy study from Southwest India. ‘Holocene Climate Change and Environment’ Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-323-90085-0, pp483-512. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90085-0.00026-7.
  2. S. Vishnu Mohan, M.S. Aneesh, K. Maya, K.P.N. Kumaran and D. Padmalal (2021) Holocene evolution of coastal wetlands- A case study from Southern Kerala, India. Holocene Climate Change and Environment’ Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-323-90085-0, pp 513-545. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90085-0.00024-3
  3. Padmalal D., Nair K. M., Kumaran K.P.N., Sajan K., Vishnu Mohan S., Maya K., Santhosh V. and Anooja S. (2013). Evidences of climate and sea level changes in a Holocene Bay Head Delta, Kerala, Southwest coast of India. In. Climate change and island and coastal vulnerability, (Eds. J. Sundaresan, S. sreekesh, A. L. Ramananthan, L. Sonnenschein, R. Boojh), Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 191-208.
  4. Vishnu Mohan S., Padmalal D., Sreebha S. and Maya K. (2013). Environmental effects of sand mining from Kallada river, Kollam district, Kerala state. In. Earth Resources and Environment (Ed. R. Venkatachalapathy), pp. 353-362.
  5. Padmalal D., Maya K., Sreebha S. and Sreeja R. (2009). Mining Kerala’s mineral wealth – Problems and prospects. In. Sasthrapadham – a blueprint for sustainable development of the state of Kerala. Directorate of Public Relations, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, pp. 348 – 350.
  6. Padmalal D., Maya K. and Nair K.M. (2008). Environmental problems of Kerala (Malayalam). In. Grameenam (Ed. S. Anilkumar), Published by Centre for Science Communications, Directorate of Public relations and Publications, CUSAT, pp. 39-53.
  7. Padmalal D., Maya K., Naredra Babu K. and Mini S.R. (2005). Tile and brick clay mining and related environmental problems in the Chalakudy basin, Central Kerala – Case study IV. In. Water resources of Kerala: Issues and case studies (Eds. K.N. Nair and S. Chattopadhyay). Kerala research programme on local level development, CDS, Thiruvananthapuram. pp. 80-82.
  8. Padmalal D., Arun P.R., Maya K. and Ramachandran K.K. (2004). Mining of some natural resources of Greater Kochi Region – Problems and Perspectives. In. Silver Jubilee Compendium, (Eds. G. R. Rabindrakumarcand N. Subhash). Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 347-357.
  9. Padmalal D., Maya K., Naredra Babu K. and Mini S.R. (2004). Tile and brick clay mining and related environmental problems in the Chalakudy basin, Central Kerala. Discussion paper No. 96, KRPLLD, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
  10. Padmalal D., Maya K., Mini S.R. and Arun P.R. (2003). Impact of river sand and gravel mining: A case of Greater Kochi Region (Kerala), Southwest coast of India In. Water Resources System Operation, Proc. Int. Con. on Water and Environment, Bhopal (India), (Eds. V. P. Singh and R. N. Yadava), Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. pp. 48-59.

In Proceedings of Conferences/ Seminars:

  1. Nayana V Haridas, Upasana S Banerji, Maya K, D Padmalal, John Kurian P, Ravi Bhushan, Ankur J Dabhi, Deepak Kumar Agarwal (2024). Reconstruction of late Quaternary paleoclimatic variability from the sedimentary archive of the western Bay of Bengal in International Conference on Frontiers in Marine Sciences (MARICON) 2024 held at Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Kochi during 8-10 April 2024.
  2. Smitha P.S., Maya K., Sudheer K.P., Bindhu V.M., Sreelash K., and Padmalal D. (2024), “An Improved Method to Increase Snow Mapping Accuracy in High-Altitude Wetlands Using Remote Sensing” p31; Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Marine Sciences (MARICON) 2024; Kochi, 8-10 April, 2024.
  3. Smitha P.S., Maya K., Sudheer K.P., Sreelash K., and Padmalal D. (2024), “An Improved Technique to Increase the Bare Soil Mapping Accuracy in Wetlands and Urban Areas”, p105Proceedings of the 36th Kerala Science Congress 2024, Kasaragod, 8-11 February.
  4. Sreelesh, R., Manab, Kumar, Dutta., Sreelash, K., Maya, K. (2024) Spatial and temporal hydro-geochemistry in the Munnar CZO, Southern Western Ghats, India: exploring Chemostatic behaviour across water sources; p95 Proceedings 36th Kerala science congress 2024; Kasaragod, 8-11 February.
  5. Nayana V. Haridas., Upasana S Banerji, Maya K, Padmalal D., John Kurian P., Ravi Bhushan. (2024) Late Quaternary paleoclimatic variability in a sediment core from Bay of Bengal: A multiproxy study; p91; Proc. 36th Kerala Science Congress; held at Government College, Kasaragod during 8-11 February 2024 (Best Oral presentationAward)
  6. Nayana V. Haridas., Upasana S. Banerji., Maya K., D Padmalal D., John Kurian P., Ravi Bhushan., Ankur J. Dabhi., Deepak Kumar Agarwal., D. Senthilnathan., (2023) Decoding paleoclimatic variability using a sediment core from the western Bay of Bengal: A Multiproxy approach in Samudra Manthan’23-1st National Oceanography Scholars meet held at CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, NIO during 28-30 September 2023.
  7. Smitha P S., Maya K., Sudheer K.P., Bindhu V M., Sreelash K., and Padmalal D. (2023) A case study on the diminishing coast of Thiruvananthapuram district using a new water index. Proceedings of the 35th Kerala Science Congress 2023, Idukki, 10-14 February, p 173.
  8. Gayathri J A., Vipin T Raj, Sreelash K., Maya K. & Padmalal D. (2023). Whether the contrasting isotopic signals in groundwater sources of the Bhavani river basin are signatures of mountain block recharge? A study from the Attappadi CZO. Proc. of 35th Kerala Science Congress, 10-14 February 2023, p.117. (Won the Best Oral Presentation Award (Student) under Earth & Planetary Sciences).
  9. Haridas, N.V., Banerji, U.S., Maya, K., Padmalal, D., Kurian, P.J., Bhushan, R., Dabhi, A. J., Agarwal, D. K., Sudheer, A. K., & Senthilnathan, D. (2023). Late Quaternary paleomonsoon variability from the western Bay of Bengal: A multiproxy approach [Paper presentation]. Proc. of FGRC 2023, February 1–3, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, p.49.
  10. Das, P., Maya, K., Padmalal, D., Laskar, A., Sudheer, A. K., Kumar, S., & Bhushan, R. (2023). The evolution of thermal springs along the west coast geothermal province of Maharashtra, India: hydrochemical and isotopic constraints [Paper presentation]. Proc. of FGRC 2023, February 1–3, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, p.73.
  11. Banerji, U. S., Maya, K., Padmalal, D., Joshi, K. B., Dabhi, A. J., Sudheer, A. K., & Bhushan, R. (2023). Hydroclimate changes during 3−5 ka from the Southern India and its global teleconnection [Paper presentation]. Proc. of FGRC 2023, February 1–3, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, p.20.
  12. Sreelesh, R., Dutta, M, K., Sreelash, K., & Maya, K. (2023). Chemistry of dissolved major ions in Munnar Critical Zone Observatory (CZO), Southern Western ghats, India [Paper presentation]. Proc. of FGRC 2023, February 1–3, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, p.206.
  13. Maya, K., Sreelesh, R., Majee, U., & Sreelash, K. (2023). Hydrochemistry and Hydrogeology of Cold and Thermal Springs over the South-western part of Kerala and Karnataka, India [Paper presented]. Proc. of FGRC 2023, February 1–3, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, p.82.
  14. Smitha P.S., Maya K., Sreelash K., and D. Padmalal.(2022) A new water extraction technique for wetlands using Sentinel 2 MSI image, 34th Kerala Science Congress 2022, 10-12 February 2022, Thiruvananthapuram.
  15. Shaji Jithu., Banerji U S., K Maya., Kumar Bhatuk Joshi.,A Dhabhi., Nisha Bharti., Ravi Bhushan and D Padmalal (2021) Holocene Sea-level variabilityin the coastal low land sediments of Kerala SW India.,Delhi University, 1-2 July 2021.
  16. Jithu Shaji, Upasana S. Banerji, Maya K, Ravi Bhushan, D. Padmalal (2021) Paleoclimate and sea-level variability during Holocene epoch from coastal lowland sediments of Kerala, SW India, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Geoscience Research in India In, OSICON-2021 held at NCPOR, Goa, 12 - 14 August 2021.
  17. Banerji, U.S., Shaji, Jithu, K Maya, Sudheer, A.K., Bhushan, Ravi and Padmalal, D (2021) Paleoclimate variability and global teleconnection during Northgrippian-Meghalayan stages from the Southern India. In, OSICON-2021 held at NCPOR, Goa, between 12 - 14 August 2021.
  18. Shiekha E John, Maya K and Padmalal D (2020) Hydrological implications of mining and quarrying for minor minerals-A case from Sothern Western Ghats.pp47. National Conference- Strategy for water sustainability for human and developmental needs. Organized by Green Institute for Research and Development (GIRD), New Delhi, and Department of Environmental Engineering, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi on 19th February, 2020.
  19. Padmalal D and Maya K (2020) Impact of human interferences in the river catchments of Southern Western Ghats-Lurking environmental issues and management strategies. Pp17. International Conference on “Rivers For Future” (RFF2020). Organized by Department of aquatic biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Karyavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram (5-7 Feb.2020).
  20. Maya K (2019) Hydro-geochemistry of the spring water sources in the southwestern coast of India. 16th Annual Meeting of ‘Asia Oceania Geosciences Society’ (AOGS2019) at Singapore from 28th July to 03rd August 2019
  21. Arulbalaji P., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2019). Analysis of coastal landform changes using Remote Sensing and GIS: A case study of Kollam coast, SW India: Proceeding of the Sixth Biennial conference of Ocean Society of India, Kochi during 12th – 14th December 2019. pp 269 -270.
  22. Vivek V. R., Sreelesh R., Silpa Mathew , Syam Sunny, K Maya and Padmalal D. Springs in the coastal lowlands of Trivandrum block: Water discharge and hydro-geochemistry , III Indian National Groundwater Conference (INGWC-2020), February 18-20 , 2020, Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, India.
  23. Sreelesh R., Presenjith Das, Vivek V. R., Silpa Mathew, K Maya & Padmalal D. Study on the Thermal and cold water Springs of Dakshina Kannada district, Southern Western Ghats, India, III Indian National Groundwater Conference (INGWC-2020), February 18-20, 2020, Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, India.
  24. Silpa, Mathew Sreelesh, R. Liji T M and Maya K (2019) Tracing source contributions of major ions in river waters - an example from southern Kerala. Contributory Paper., Indian Analytical Science Congress, 2019 on Recent advances in analytical, bio analytical and separation techniques., Organized by Indian Society of Analytical Scientists Kerala Chapter & HQ, Mumbai (IASC, 2019)., during September 19-21, 2019, at Thiruvananthapuram. Pp48-49.
  25. Padmalal, D, Shiekha E John and Maya K. Mining and Quarrying for minor mineral in Southern Western Ghats – consequences and strategies for sustainable development. 36th International Geological Congress proposed to be held during 2nd - 8th March 2020 at New Delhi. (Date postponed) .Accepted.
  26. Vandana, M Maya K and Padmalal D. Geo environmental impacts of hard rock quarrying in Netravati-Gurpur river basin Karnataka, India. 36th International Geological Congress proposed to be held during 2nd - 8th March 2020 at New Delhi.(Date postponed) .Accepted.
  27. Sreelash, K Maya K and Padmalal D. Tropical Ecosystem Research obseRvatories in Peninsular India (TERRAIN): NCESS initiatives on Critical Zone Studies. 36th International Geological Congress proposed to be held during 2nd - 8th March 2020 at New Delhi. (Date postponed) .Accepted.
  28. Gayathri J A, Vipin T Raj, Maya K and Padmalal D. Geogenic solute overloading and scale formation – A case study from Southern Western Ghats, India. 36th International Geological Congress proposed to be held during 2nd - 8th March 2020 at New Delhi. (Date postponed) .Accepted.
  29. Vipin T Raj, Gayathri J A, Maya K, Sreelash K and Padmalal D. Natural and anthropogenic determinants on solute dynamics in the river waters of Southern Western Ghats – A case study. 36th International Geological Congress proposed to be held during 2nd - 8th March 2020 at New Delhi. (Date postponed) .Accepted.
  30. Maya K, Vivek V R, Silpa Mathew, Sreelesh, R Syam Sunny and Padmalal D. Geothermal characteristics and hydrochemistry of groundwater around a thermal spring in Southern Western Ghats, India. 36th International Geological Congress proposed to be held during 2nd - 8th March 2020 at New Delhi. (Date postponed) .Accepted.
  31. Jithu Shaji, Maya K, Ravi Bhushan and Upasana S Banerji. Indian summer monsoon variability during mid-late Holocene period along Western Ghats, India. 36th International Geological Congress proposed to be held during 2nd - 8th March 2020 at New Delhi. (Date postponed) .Accepted.
  32. Gayathri J A., Vipin T Raj., Sreelash K., Maya K and Padmalal D (2019) Geochemical evolution in ground water of upper Bhavani river basin Kerala, India. Proc. abstract vol. of the National Seminar on ‘Surface water and ground water resources of Kerala: Management issues, policies, future strategies. Jointly organized by Dept. of Geology, University of Kerala & Geological Society of India, p.28. Held at Dept. of Geology, on 15th March 2019.
  33. Upendra B., Maya.K., Anoop Krishnan K and Padmalal D (2019) Hydrochemical assessment of Cauvery river basin (Southern India) with special reference to CO2 consumption rates and silicate weathering. Proc. of the National Seminar on Aquatic Chemistry (AQUASEM’19) on Recent developments in aquatic chemistry. P.2., Organized by Dept. of Chemical Oceanography, Inter University Centre for Development of bio technology &Society of Aquatic Chemists (SAC): Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), From 21st -23rd March 2019, at School of Marine Sciences Auditorium, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi.
  34. Prasenjit Das., Maya K., Vivek Vijayan., Silpa Mathew and Arya S(2019) Hydrochemistry of the Thermal Springs of the Southern Karnataka, India. Proc. of the National Seminar on Aquatic Chemistry (AQUASEM’19) on Recent developments in aquatic chemistry. P.19., Organized by Dept. of Chemical Oceanography, Inter University Centre for Development of bio technology & Society of Aquatic Chemists (SAC): Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), From 21st -23rd March 2019, at School of Marine Sciences Auditorium, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi (Abstract)
  35. J A Gayathri., K Maya., K Sreelash and D Padmalal (2018) Hydrochemical assessment of ground water in Bhavani river basin , Kerala India. Proc. Swadesi Science Congress 2018.
  36. Gayathri JA., K Sreelash and K Maya (2018) Changes in the rainfall characteristics and its effects and its effects on the aquifer recharge (Abstract).30th Kerala Science Congress held at Brennan College, Thalassery.Pp130-131.
  37. Gayathri J A., Vipin T Raj., Sreelash K., Maya K and Padmalal D (2019) Major ion concentration in the ground water sources of Bhavani river basin (Kerala)- its implications on silicate weathering. Proc. 31st Kerala Science Congress, p.77. Held at Fatima Mata National College Kollam from 2-3rd February 2019.
  38. Jithu Shaji., Upasana S Banerji., Ankur Dabhi., Ravi Bhushan., K Maya and Padmalal D (2018) Hydrological changes during Late Holocene period , Sasthamkotta Lake, Kerala- A multi proxy Approach. Abstract send to Indian Association of Sedimentologists Conference.
  39. Vandana M., Maya K.,Arulbalaji P and Jithu Shaji (2019)Environmental impact of mining and quarryingin Netravathi-Gurupur rive basins: A Geo-environmental appaissal. Proc. 31st Kerala Science Congress, pp 117-118. Held at Fatima Mata National College Kollam from 2-3rd February 2019.
  40. Vishnu Mohan S., Maya K., Pradeep Kumar A. P. and Padmalal D. (2018) Late Quaternary climate and sea level changes in a humid tropical coastline, SW India – its implications on geomorphic evolution, National Seminar on Dynamics of the Surface & Subsurface Geological Processes, Pondicherry University held during 8-9 Feb 2018.
  41. Shiekha E John, Rajimol T R Maya K and Padmalal D (2016) Assessment of ‘degradation of Paravur Kayal using GIS and geo-environmental tools –Strategies for restoration and management. National Conference on Ecology, Sustainable Development and Wildlife Conservation (NCESW); Pp23. St. Joseph’s College, Bengaluru.
  42. Padmalal, D., Maya, K. and Vishnu Mohan, S. (2016) Holocene climate change in SW India – a multi proxy study using coastal sediments as an archive, 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
  43. Maya K., Vishnu Mohan S., Limaye R. B., Padmalal D. and Kumaran K. P. N. (2016) Sediment archives in the tsunami affected areas of southern Kerala, India: evidence of sea level changes and coastal evolution, Accepted for presentation in 33rd Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists on November- 12-14, proposed to be held at , Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
  44. Vishnu Mohan S., Limaye R. B., Maya K., Padmalal D. and K. P. N. Kumaran (2016) Tracing signatures of mud bank formation in the late Holocene sediments along Kerala coast, SW India, Accepted for presentation in 33rd Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists on November- 12-14, proposed to be held at , Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
  45. Vishnu Mohan, S., Shiekha E John, Rajimol, T. R., Maya ,K. and Padmalal, D. (2016) Environmental degradation of Paravur estuary, Kerala, SW India, National Workshop on Western Ghats - Evolution and Environmental Issues, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, pp. 62.
  46. Padmalal, D., Maya, K. and Ajayakumar Varma, R. (2016) Geochemical fluxes through the small rivers of southern Western Ghats, India, National Workshop on Western Ghats - Evolution and Environmental Issues, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, pp. 19.
  47. Padmalal D., Maya K. and John S. E. (2015) Environmental effects of soil quarrying in Kerala: An overview, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Soil Pollution and Paradigms for Sustainable Soil Management, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 22-27.
  48. Vishnu Mohan S., Maya K., Shiekha E. John., Sajan K. and Padmalal D. (2015). Geochemical indicators of Holocene depositional processes in the estuarine systems of southern Kerala, SW India (Abstract volume). Proceedings of National workshop on ‘Continental crust and cover sequences in the evolution of the Indian sub-continent’, pp. 92.
  49. Shiekha E John, Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2014) Environmental effects of river sand mining: a case study from SW India. Proceedings of National Seminar on Mineral Resources of Kerala (MINERALIA), pp 115-125.
  50. Aswathy K. A., Shiekha E John, Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2014) Impacts of brick and tile clay mining from the wetlands of Periyar river basin, Kerala, India. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Mineral Resources of Kerala (MINERALIA), pp 137-144.
  51. Vishnu Mohan S., Padmalal D., Maya K. and Baburaj B. (2014). Sea level oscillations, climate change and landform evolution in the western coastal lowlands of Trivandrum block in peninsular India. Proceedings of the fifth Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering (INCHOE 2014), pp 209-214
  52. Padmalal D., Maya K., Vishnu Mohan S. and Baburaj B. (2014). Holocene land-sea interactions and landform changes in the coastal lands of Vembanad lagoon, Kerala, SW India. Proceedings of the fifth Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering (INCHOE 2014), pp 492-496.
  53. Ramdev P.R., Padmalal D. and Maya K. (2014) Morphometric signatures and terrain evolution- A case study of Periyar and Muvattupuzha river basins, Kerala, SW India. Proceedings 26th Kerala Science Congress held at Wayanad, pp. 1788-1796. (The first author received Best Poster Award).
  54. Aswathy K.A., Rajimol T.R., Maya K., Narendra Babu K. and Padmalal D. (2014). Water quality of a few lentic water bodies of Karamana river basin with special reference to internal loading of PO4-P and Fe. Proceedings 26th Kerala Science Congress held at Wayanad, pp. 2588-2596.
  55. Shiekha E. John, Vishnu V., Manoj J., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2014). Major and trace element chemistry of borehole cores from Paravur estuarine basin, Kerala, SW India. Proceedings 26th Kerala Science Congress held at Wayanad, pp. 2604-2610.
  56. Maya K., Shiekha E. John, and Padmalal D. (2013). Evolution of mineral resources of the coastal lands of Vembanad lake with special reference to mining and mining-related environmental problems. 23rd Kerala Swadeshi Science Congress, MG University, Kottayam, pp. 446-450.
  57. Rajimol T.R., Ramdev P.R., Baburaj B., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2013). Coastal plain rivers of Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala – River characteristics, human interventions and management strategies. Awarded Best Paper, 23rd Kerala Swadeshi Science Congress, MG University, Kottayam, pp. 336-340. (The first author received Best Paper Award).
  58. Ramdev P.R., Shiekha E. John, Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2013). Environmental effects of hard rock quarrying on land and water resources of small catchments – A case study. 23rd Kerala Swadeshi Science Congress, MG University, Kottayam, pp. 327-331.
  59. Shiekha E John, Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2013). Impact of mining induced channel incision on water resource potential – evidences from Kerala rivers. 23rd Kerala Swadeshi Science Congress, MG University, Kottayam, pp. 370-375.
  60. Shiekha E. John, Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2013). Impacts of hard rock quarrying: An environmental case study from Greater Kochi Region, Kerala, India. 25th Kerala Science Congress, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 67-69.
  61. Maya K., Padmalal D., Santhosh V. and Aneesh Kumar S.R. (2011). Instream and floodplain sand mining from Muvattupuzha river basin, consequences and strategies. National seminar on mining of river sand and its impacts on the environment, CWRDM, Kozhikode. pp. 111- 124.
  62. Vishnu Mohan S., Sreebha S., Padmalal D., Maya K. and Linikrishna K.L. (2011). Sand mining in Pamba river. National seminar on mining of river sand and its impacts on the environment, CWRDM, Kozhikode. pp. 141- 151.
  63. Anooja S., Baijulal B., Maya K., Sreebha S. and Padmalal D. (2011). Impact of sand mining on river bed changes and bed material characteristics – A case analysis. National seminar on mining of river sand and its impacts on the environment, CWRDM, Kozhikode. pp. 173- 181.
  64. Baijulal B., Jissy Jyothi S., Padmalal D. and Maya K. (2011). Environmental effects of alluvial sand mining on the biological environment. National seminar on mining of river sand and its impacts on the environment, CWRDM, Kozhikode. pp. 195- 205.
  65. Vishnu Mohan S., Linikrishna K. L., Maya K. and Padmalal D. (2010). Impact of Instream sand mining: an example from southern Kerala. Proceedings of the 22nd Kerala Science Congress, KFRI, Peechi, pp. 631- 632.
  66. Maya K., Padmalal D., Babu K.N. and Sreeja R. (2008). Lime shell mining from Vembanad lake, Kerala – Problems and prospects. Proc. 20th Kerala Science Congress, pp. 362-365.
  67. Sreeja R., Arun P.R., Maya K. and Babu K.N. (2006). Water quality in areas adjoining brick clay mines in Chalakudy river basin, Central Kerala, India. Proc. of Kerala Sci. Congress, pp. 395-397.
  68. Padmalal D., Maya K., Sreebha. S. and Arun P.R. (2005). Impact of river sand mining: An over view of Kerala rivers. Paper presented in the workshop- cum- training on river sand management, CESS.
  69. Sreebha S., Sobha V. and Maya K. (2005). Municipal Solid wastes (MSD) composition, its physico-chemical analysis and management options for Thiruvananthapuram corporation area. 17th Kerala Science Congress, KFRI, Peechi, pp. 196 – 198.
  70. Padmalal D., Arun P.R., Maya K. and Ramachandran K.K. (2004). Mining of some natural resources of Greater Kochi Region (GKR) problems and perspectives – In. Silver Jubilee compendium, CESS. pp. 347-357.
  71. Sreeja R., Maya K., Rajesh Reghunath and Padmalal D. (2003). Instream sand mining from Periyar river and emerging environmental issues, Kerala, Proc. 15th Kerala Science Congress, pp. 804-805.
  72. Padmalal D. and Maya K. (2000). Sand mining from Kerala Rivers. Mruthika – A WWF India, Kerala State Office Publication, August-September issue, pp. 4-7.
  73. Maya K., Padmalal D. and Ramachandran K. K. (2000). Quantification, characterization and management of solid wastes of Central Kerala. 12th Kerala Science Congress, 27-29th Jan, 2000 pp.583-587.
  74. Maya K., Padmalal D. and Mohanan C.N. (1998). A preliminary investigation on Purakkad Wetlands, Alappuzha district, Kerala. 10th Kerala Science Congress, pp. 82-83.
  75. Badarudeen A., Maya K. and Sajan K. (1997). Sediment, Organic Carbon and Trace Metal distributions in the Mangrove Environment, Veli, Kerala. Proc. 9th Kerala Science Congress, pp. 85-87.
  76. Maya K., Badarudeen A. and Padmalal D. (1996). Palaeo-environmental interpretation of the Tertiary deposit at Varkala, Kerala. Proc. 8th Kerala Sci. Cong, pp. 87-88.

Books & Monographs

  1. Padmalal D. and Maya K. (2014). Sand mining: Environmental impacts and selected case studies, Springer, London, 162p.
  2. Padmalal D., Maya K. and Vishnu Mohan S. (2013). Late Quaternary climate, sea level changes and coastal evolution – A case study from SW India, Monograph, ISBN 81-901842-1-0, Published by Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 164p.