
Dr. Ansom Sebastian Ph.D.

Scientist E, , Natural Resources and Environmental Management (NREM)

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Phone(Off) : 0471-2511687

Phone(Res) : 0471-2446901

Fax : 0471-2442280


  1. Sebestian, A and Lagache, M (1990) Experimental study of the equilibrium between pollucite, albite and hydrothermal fluid in pegmititic system. Mineral Mag. 54, 447-454.
  2. Sbestian, A and Lagache, M (1991) Experimental study of lithium rich granitic pegmatites, Part 1. Petalite +Albite + Quartz equilibrium. Ame. Mineral., 76, 205-210.
  3. Sebestian, A and Lagache, M (1991) Experimental study of lithium rich granitic pegmatities, Part 1. Spdumene + Albite + Quartz equilibrium. Amer. Mineral., 76, 611-616. 
  4. Lagache, M., Dujon, S.C and Sebestian, A (1995) Assemblages of Li-Cs pegmatite minerals in equilibrium with a fluid from their primary crystallization until their hydrothermal alteration: an experimental study. Mineralogy and Petrology (Springer-Verlag), 55, 131-143.