COMAPS Chemistry Lab (CCL)
COMAPS laboratory is designed and developed for monitoring contaminants in coastal waters and in identification of the sources to abate pollution. Major stress is given to study pollutants like sewage, litter and heavy metal and bio-accumulations. The database are used by environmental stewards for decision making in pollution control along the coastal regions and to verify the effectiveness of management actions initiated in terms of pollution abatement.
The lab is equipped with following instruments.
- UV Spectrophotometer – Shimadzu (UV-160A)
- Digital Nephelo Turbidity meter (132)
- Spectrofluoro Photometer – Shimadzu (RF- 1501)
- EuTec Water Quality Analyzer
- pH meter
- Millipore water purification system – Elix
- Microwave digester – Ethos D
- Electronic weighing balance – Shimadzu (AUX 220)
- Electronic weighing balance – Mettler (AE 160)
- Hot Air oven – SRICO
- Centrifuge – REMI
Achievements: Identification of major hotspot areas of pollution (Industrial and Domestic) along Kerala and Karnataka coast.